Figure 7.
An Item-and-Order working memory (lower level) for the short-term sequential storage of item chunks (e.g. M, Y, S, E, L, F) can activate a multiple-scale Masking Field list chunking network (upper level) through a bottom-up adaptive filter. The larger cell sizes and interaction strengths of the list chunks that categorise longer lists (e.g. MYSELF vs MY) enable the Masking Field to choose the list chunk that currently receives the largest total input and thus best predicts the sequence that is currently stored in the Item-and-Order working memory. The chosen list chunk can then read out the most likely prediction of what will happen next in that temporal context. Green connections are excitatory. Red connections are inhibitory. Arrowheads at the ends of Masking Field inhibitory recurrent pathways denote connections that undergo no learning. Hemidiscs denote connections that can undergo learning, both in the bottom-up filter connections and the top-down expectation connections. Recurrent on-centre off-surround connections in the Item-and-Order working memory are not shown, for simplicity. Recurrent self-excitatory connections in the Masking Field are also not shown, again for simplicity.