Fig 5. Ethanol and ammonium sulfate stabilizes the secondary structure of Sus1.
(A) Far UV CD spectra in the absence and presence of different ethanol concentrations. (B) Fluorescence intensities of Sus1 native in absence and in presence of 10, 20, 50 and 90% ethanol concentrations. The plot of native protein at pH-7 in presence of 0, 10, 20, 50 and 90% ethanol is represented by star (⁎), open diamond (◊), open circle (○), close triangle (▲) and plus sign (+) respectively. (C) Far UV CD spectra in the absence (0mM) and in presence (50–300 mM) of ammonium sulphate at pH 7. The plot of native protein at pH-7 in absence and in presence of 0, 50, 100 and 300 mM ammonium sulfate is represented by open square (□), close circle (●), open tringle (Δ) and closed downward triangle (▼) respectively.