Table 2. Harvest control rules used in the management scenarios*.
Harvest control rule (HCR) |
Current fishing mortality |
This HCR continues the initial fishing mortality rate (i.e., F in 2012) through all years. |
Economically optimal fishing mortality |
This HCR achieves maximum net present value (NPV) over an infinite time horizon under the current climate and biological conditions. Each stock has its own optimized harvest policy where fishing mortality rate is a function of biomass. This HCR is determined using a dynamic optimization routine for each stock. |
Gradual shift from current to open access fishing mortality |
This HCR is only relevant to transboundary stocks. For these stocks, fishing mortality begins at the initial fishing mortality rate (i.e., F in 2012), then changes at a constant rate towards open access fishing mortality (i.e., fishing mortality that achieves open access equilibrium at 30% of BMSY), which is reached in the year in which the first spatial shift into or completely out of an EEZ occurs. Fishing mortality remains at the open access rate for all subsequent years. |
Gradual shift from economically optimal to open access fishing mortality |
This HCR is only relevant to transboundary stocks. For these stocks, fishing mortality begins at the economically optimal level given biomass in 2012, then changes at a constant rate towards open access fishing mortality (i.e., fishing mortality that achieves open access equilibrium at 30% of BMSY), which is reached in the year in which the first spatial shift into or completely out of an EEZ occurs. Fishing mortality remains at the open access rate for all subsequent years. |
* See the Gaines et al. [19] supplementary information for more details on the management scenarios and harvest control rules.