Fig. 1.
Proteomics analysis of human cardiac tissues from ARVC, HCM, LVNC, and NC individuals. (a) Heatmap illustrating differentially accumulated proteins from the four groups of hearts obtained in the course of transplant surgeries. (b) and (c) Venn diagram indicating the numbers of differentially accumulated proteins (up and down) in the ARVC, HCM, and LVNC hearts. (d), (e) and (f) Volcano plots show the differentially expressed proteins among the four groups including ARVC, HCM, LVNC and NC. Green dots represent proteins whose expression was significantly decreased in cardiac tissues. Red dots represent proteins whose expression was significantly increased in cardiac tissues. Black dots represent proteins whose expression did not reach statistical significance. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)