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. 2020 Feb 5;52(3):331–341. doi: 10.1038/s41588-019-0576-7

Fig. 1. Overview of the chromothripsis-calling method and the frequency of events across 37 cancer types.

Fig. 1

a, Example of a region displaying the characteristic features of chromothripsis: cluster of interleaved SVs with equal proportions of SV types (that is, fragment joins), a CN profile that oscillates between two states and interspersed LOH. Details of the criteria are described in the Methods. Both the color scheme and the abbreviations shown in this figure are used throughout the manuscript. b, Classification of chromothripsis events. In a canonical event, more than 60% of the segments oscillate between two CN states; a tumor is classified as canonical if it showed at least one canonical chromothripsis event. c, Percentage of patients with chromothripsis events across the entire cohort. The fractions at the top of the bars are the number of tumors that showed high-confidence chromothripsis out of the total number of tumors of that type. The cancer type abbreviations used across the manuscript are as follows: Biliary-AdenoCA, biliary adenocarcinoma; Bladder-TCC, bladder transitional cell carcinoma; Bone-Benign, bone cartilaginous neoplasm, osteoblastoma and bone osteofibrous dysplasia; Bone-Epith, bone neoplasm, epithelioid; Bone-Osteosarc, sarcoma, bone; Breast-AdenoCA, breast adenocarcinoma; Breast-DCIS, breast ductal carcinoma in situ; Breast-LobularCA, breast lobular carcinoma; Cervix-AdenoCA, cervix adenocarcinoma; Cervix-SCC, cervix squamous cell carcinoma; CNS-GBM, central nervous system glioblastoma; CNS-Oligo, CNS oligodenroglioma; CNS-Medullo, CNS medulloblastoma; CNS-PiloAstro, CNS pilocytic astrocytoma; ColoRect-AdenoCA, colorectal adenocarcinoma; Eso-AdenoCA, esophagus adenocarcinoma; Head-SCC, head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma; Kidney-ChRCC, kidney chromophobe renal cell carcinoma; Kidney-RCC, kidney renal cell carcinoma; Liver-HCC, liver hepatocellular carcinoma; Lung-AdenoCA, lung adenocarcinoma; Lung-SCC, lung squamous cell carcinoma; Lymph-CLL, lymphoid chronic lymphocytic leukemia; Lymph-BNHL, lymphoid mature B-cell lymphoma; Lymph-NOS, lymphoid not otherwise specified; Myeloid-AML, myeloid acute myeloid leukemia; Myeloid-MDS, myeloid myelodysplastic syndrome; Myeloid-MPN, myeloid myeloproliferative neoplasm; Ovary-AdenoCA, ovary adenocarcinoma; Panc-AdenoCA, pancreatic adenocarcinoma; Panc-Endocrine, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor; Prost-AdenoCA, prostate adenocarcinoma; Skin-Melanoma, skin melanoma; SoftTissue-Leiomyo, leiomyosarcoma, soft tissue; SoftTissue-Liposarc, liposarcoma, soft tissue; Stomach-AdenoCA, stomach adenocarcinoma; Thy-AdenoCA, thyroid low-grade adenocarcinoma; and Uterus-AdenoCA, uterus adenocarcinoma.