(A) Example of the fermentation kinetics of M. pulcherrima and S. cerevisiae under sequential inoculation (MP + SC, green line) and S. cerevisiae in pure culture (SC, blue line). (B) Parameters describing the fermentation kinetics depending on the medium composition and inoculation strategy: Rmax_MP, maximal fermentation rate for M. pulcherrima reached before the inoculation of S. cerevisiae; Rmax_SC, maximal fermentation rate for S. cerevisiae; lag phase duration and fermentation duration. MP, dark blue bars: pure culture of M. pulcherrima. MP + SC, green bars: sequential fermentation. SC, blue bars: pure culture of S. cerevisiae. Conditions are labeled as sugar-nitrogen-lipids. (C) Principal component analysis (PCA) of fermentative parameters under the sequential inoculation of M. pulcherrima and S. cerevisiae and in pure cultures of S. cerevisiae. Individuals are identified as S-N-L, where S, sugar concentration; N, nitrogen concentration; and L, lipid concentration. The blue and orange additional axes indicate the repartition of individuals according to the concentrations of sugar (180–220–260 g/L) and nitrogen (80–190–300 mg/L). The inserts correspond to the correlation circles representing the explanatory variables. Trmax_MP and Trmax_SC, time to reach Rmax before and after the inoculation of S. cerevisiae.