Table 2.
Latin name | English name | Middle Welsh name (MM) | Recipe(s) | Indication |
Achillea millefolium L. | milfoil | uilffth | 12, 16, 19, 121, 127, 132, 133, 136 | fever, kidney stones, vomiting blood, worms, epistaxis, vomiting |
Agrimonia eupatoria L. | agrimony | trydon, try | 11, 12, 19, 20 | pneumonia, fever, kidney stones, fertility |
Agrostemma githago L. | corn cockle | tenteulys 1 uendigeit | 11 | pneumonia |
Allium ampeloprasum L. | leek | gennyn, kenin | 100, 135 | dog bite, vomiting of blood, fertility, snake bite, ulcers, whooping cough, pneumonia, deafness, headache, bone healing, boils, increase strength, flatulency, worms |
Allium sativum L, (var. ophioscorodon (Link) Döll) | garlic (and viper's garlic) | craf, garllec | 24, 56, 96, 97, 138 | wounds, prevent fatigue, swelling, pain, epistaxis, proud flesh |
Allium ursinum L. | ramsons | craf y geiuyr | 53 | abdominal complaints |
Anagallis arvensis L. | pimpernel | diwythyl | 15, 17, 20, 21, 53 | fever, abdominal complaints, fertility, menorrhagia |
Apium graveolens L. | smallage (celery) | ysmalaes, apim | 116, 124, 128 | smallpox, calming, ague |
Aquilegia vulgaris L. | columbine | columbina | 19, | kidney stones |
Arctium minus Hill | small burdock | kynga man | 12, 21 | fever, menorrhagia |
Aristolochia rotunda L. | round birthwort | hennllydan | 11, 12, 42, 43, 45, 51 | pneumonia, fever, toothache, inflammation, snake bite |
Artemisia abrotanum L. | southernwood | brytn | 102, 124 | insanity, palsy |
Artemisia absinthium L. | wormwood | wermot | 12, 13, 65, 120, 128 | fever, destroy fleas, general wellness, snake bite, ague |
Artemisia dracunulus L. | taragon | dragrans | 126 | worms |
Artemisia vulgaris L. | mugwort | gannwreid | 12, 15, 25, 38, 51, 56, 66, 110, 111, 112, 128, 144 | fever, worms, carbuncle, prevent fatigue, destroy flies, snake bite, difficult childbirth (ritual), ague |
Asarum europaeum L. | asarabacca | alannon | 11 | pneumonia |
Asplenium scolopendrium L. | hart's tongue | dauot yr hydd | 60, 78 | anaphrodisiac, general wellness |
Avena sativa L. | oats | keirch | 13, 53 | poultice, dietary |
Bellis perennis L. | daisy | hygat y dyd | 11, 12, 64, 102, 161 | pneumonia, fever, worts, insanity, tumor |
Betula pendula Roth | birch | uedlyn | 19, 50 | kidney stones, impotency, |
Borago officinalis L. | borage | glessyn | 15, 17, 19 | fever, abdominal complaints, kidney stones |
Brassica oleracea L. | cabbage (red and green) | cal (coch) | 12, 99 | fever, nettle rash |
Brassica rapa L. | turnips | eruin | 108, 117 | worms, surfeit? |
Calluna vulgaris L. | heath | gruc | 11, 12, 116 | pneumonia, smallpox |
Cannabis sativa L. | hemp | kywarch | 12 | fever |
Capsella bursa-pastoris L. | shepherd's purse | phrs y bugeil | 166 | heartache |
Carum carvi L. | caraway | garayt, karan, Iarderv | 11, 166 | pneumonia, heartache |
Centaurea nigra L. | knapweed | benngalet | 12, 38, 45 | fever, carbuncle, snake bite |
Centaurium erythraea L. | centaury | yscal crist, centarya 1 | 12, 114, 115 | fever, kidney pains, extreme thirst |
Chelidonium majus L. | celandine | llyssey y wennol | 170 | eye problems |
Chenopodium album L. | goosefoot | roec, dudren | 21, 166 | menorrhagia, heartache |
Cirsium vulgare Savi | common thistle | ysgall | 122 | constipation |
Conium maculata L. | hemlock | kygget | 11 | pneumonia |
Conopodium majus Gouan | earthnut | bywi | 12, 15, 17 | fever, abdominal complaints |
Coriandrum sativum L. | coriander | koliandrm | 128 | ague |
Corylus avellana L. | hazel | coll | 186 | cleaning teeth |
Crataegus monogyna Jacq | white thorn | yspydat | 36 | worms |
Crocus sativus L. | saffron | saffyr | 57, 58, 146 | remove drunkenness, induce happiness |
Datura stramonium L. | thorn apple (dorycnion) | vennwen | 42 | toothache |
Digitalis purpurea L. | foxglove | ffiol y ffrud | 53, 74 | abdominal complaints, tumors |
Empetrum nigrum L. | crake berry | grygyon | 11, 12 | pneumonia, fever |
Eryngium maritimum L. | eringo | mor gelyn | 52 | toothache |
Eupatorium cannabinum L. | hemp agrimony | vedun chwer | 56, 78, 107 | prevent drunkenness, general wellness, cough |
Ficus carica L. | figs | ffigys | 137 | poison |
Filipendula ulmaria L. | meadow sweet | erchreid, uedlys 1 | 40 | pneumonia, fever, kidney stones, hemorrhage |
Filix | fern | redyn | 98, 155 | burns, hemorrhoids |
Foeniculum vulgare Mill | fennel | ffenigyl | 15, 79, 96, 100, 120, 123, 170 | fever, general wellness, swelling, pain, dog bite, snake bite, digestion, eye problems |
Fragaria vesca L. | strawberry | syui | 10 | eye problems |
Fraxinus excelsior L. | ash | onn | 31 | deafness |
Fumaria officinalis L. | fumitory | mc y dayar | 13 | fever |
Galium odoratum L. | woodruff | udrot | 11, 12, 79 | pneumonia |
Galium verum L. | yellow bed straw | kylyon, keulon | 35, 162 | spider bite, swelling |
Geranium robertanium L. | herb Robert | troet rud | 11 | pneumonia |
Geum urbanum L. | avens | uab coll | 11, 12, 21, 41 | pneumonia, menorrhagia, hoarseness |
Glechoma hederacea L. | ground ivy | ganwreid rydegac, eido y dayar, eidral 1 | 15, 19, 72, 100, 129, 145 | fever, kidney stones, eye problems, dog bite, ague |
Hedera helix L. | ivy | eidorc | 29, 30, 98 | skin problems, toothache, burns |
Helleborus foetidus L. | stinking hellebore | hylithyr | 17 | abdominal complaints |
Hepatica | liverwort | redegac | 17, 19 | abdominal complaints, kidney stones |
Hordeum vulgare L. | barley | heid | 33, 111, 163, 168 | plaster, dietary, worms, boils, |
Huperzia selago L. | fir clubmoss | thary mynyd | 20 | fertility |
Hypericum androsaemum L. | tutsan | greulys (uendigeit) 1 | 12 (English only), 15, 19, 95, 101 | fever, kidney stones, inflammation |
Hypericum perforatum L. | St. John's wort | erinllis | 12, 19, 20, 38, 41 | fever, kidney stones, fertility, carbuncle, hoarseness |
Juglans regia L. | walnut | coll ffrenghic | 36 | worms |
Knautia arvensis L. | field scabious | bennlas | 12, 45 | fever, snake bite |
Lactuca sp. | lettuce | gylaeth, letus | 80, 157 | general wellness, fertility |
Lamium purpureum L. | red nettle | dyna coch | 12, 38, 51, 164 | fever, carbuncle, strangury |
Laurus nobilis L. | bay | dodeit | 17, 19 | abdominal complaints, kidney stones |
Legousia speculum-veneris Fisch | corn bell flower | drycheigyauc | 22 | quinsy |
Lemna sp. | duckweed | linat | 94, 103 | abdominal complaints, constipation |
Leonurus cardiaca L. | motherwort | vamyls | 19 | kidney stones |
Lepidium latifolium L. | pepperwort | bybyrllys 1 | 12 | fever |
Ligustrum vulgare L. | privet | rysswyd | 12 | fever |
Lilium candidum L. | white lily | lilim gynn | 98, 118 | burns |
Linum usitatissimum L. | linseed, flax | llin | 7, 19 | head wound, wounds |
Lithospermum sp. | gromwel | grmyn | 19, 151 | kidney stones |
Lonicera caprifolium L. | honeysuckle | gydwyd | 30 | toothache |
Malus domestica Borkh. | apple | aualeu, aual | 14, 15, 55 | aprient, ritual |
Malva sylvestris L. | mallows | hokys | 15, 17, 59, 143 | fever, hemorrhoids, abdominal complaints, general wellness |
Matricaria sp. | chamomile | amrannwen | 39, 125 | wounds, reptiles in stomach |
Melissa officinalis L. | lemon balm | genyn | 116 | smallpox |
Melittis melissophylum L. | bastard balm | wenenllys uan | 12, 21 | fever, menorrhagia |
Muscus | moss | misyc, unsyc | 15, 17 | fever, abdominal complaints |
Myrica gale L. | sweet gale | vrine | 17 | abdominal complaints |
Origanum dictamnus L. | dittany | ditaen | 126, 131, 160 | worms, poison, pain |
Oxalis acetosella L. | wood sorrel | suryon y coet | 15, 34 | fever, headache, joint pain, |
Papaver somniferum L. | poppy | pabi | 49 | sleep |
Persicaria amphibia L. | amphibious persicaria | granwreid benngoch | 12, 15, 19, 20 | fever, kidney stones, fertility |
Petroselinum crispum Mill. | parsley | persli | 164 | strangury |
Pimpinella anisum L. | anise | ennyd | 11 | pneumonia |
Piper nigrum L. | pepper (white and black) | pybyr | 82, 100, 128, 138, 151, 157 | general wellness, ague, proud flesh, kidney stones, fertility, bone healing |
Plantago major L. | plantago major | erllyrat, plantaen | 110, 127, 128, 161, 162, 163, 166 | snake bite, worms, ague, tumor, swelling, boils, heartache |
Potentilla reptans L. | creeping cinquefoil | ganwreid uelen | 20 | fertility |
Primula vulgaris Huds. | primrose | briallu | 68 | loss of reason or speech |
Prunella vulgaris L. | self-heal | wennelac, ueidyac | 38, 42 | carbuncle, toothache |
Prunus persica L. | peach | persig | 108 | worms |
Prunus spinosa L. | blackthorn | eiryn | 167 | dyspepsia |
Quercus sp. | oak | derwhyden, keginderw | 29, 166 | skin problems, heartache |
Ranunculus ficaria L. | lesser celandine | celidonia | 96, 170 | swelling, pain, eye problems |
Raphanus sativus L. | radish | raphan, (r)hadigyl | 120, 156 | snake bite, dog bite |
Rubia peregrina L. | little field madder | wreidrd lyt | 19 | kidney stones |
Rubia tinctorum L. | madder | wreidrd | 11,12 | pneumonia, fever |
Rumex conglomeratus Murray | sharp dock | turth, twrch | 11 | pneumonia |
Rumex spp. | docken | tuaol | 26, 42 | abscess, toothache |
Ruscus aculeatus L. | butcher's broom | iewydd, ieutat 1 | 12, 15 | fever |
Ruta graveolens L. | rue | rut | 110, 111, 113, 120, 128, 137, 160 | snake bite, worms, swelling, pain, ague, poisoning, anaphrodisiac |
Salix sp. | willow | helic | 165 | warts |
Salvia officinalis L. | sage | saluia | 102, 138 | insanity, proud flesh |
Salvia sclarea L. | clary clary | llygeit crist | 59 | anaphrodisiac |
Sambucus ebulus L. | dwarf elder | gruelys war/uar | 12, 15 | fever |
Sambucus nigra L. | elder | ysga | 15, 16, 36, 67 | fever, hemorrhoids, worms, snake bite |
Samolus valerandi L. | water pimpernel | glaerllys | 19 | kidney stones |
Saxifraga granulata L. | saxifrage | saxifraga (tormaen) | 151 | kidney stones |
Scandix pecten-veneris L. | shepherd's needle | greithic | 11, 24 | pneumonia, wounds |
Scapania undulata L. | river startip | gynglenyd | 17, 106 | abdominal complaints, liver disease |
Secale cereale L. | rye | ryc | 107, 138, 162 | cough |
Sedum telephium L. | orpine | ganwein | 12, 20, 21 | fever, fertility, menorrhagia |
Sinapis alba L. | mustard | mstart | 139 | expel cold humors, snake bites, toothache, menorrhagia, digestion, colic, hair loss, tympanitis, dimness of sight, skin problems, palsy |
Solanum dulcamara L. | bittersweet nightshade | elinyac | 36 | worms |
Solanum nigrum L. | black nightshade | morella | 163 | boils |
Stachys officianlis L. | betony | dannac, danhogen | 5, 12, 19, 34, 42, 105, 121, 130 | head wound, fever, kidney stones, headache, joint pain, toothache, epistaxis, vomiting blood, vomiting |
Symphytum officinale L. | comfrey | chwefyrdan, consolida maior | 26, 169 | abscess, bone healing |
Taraxacum officinale L. | dandelion | deint ylle | 13, 19, 23, 34 | fever, kidney stones, exfoliation of the skull, headache, joint pain |
Taxus baccata L. | yew | ian | 20 | fertility |
Tragopogon dubius Scop. | yellow goat's beard | greid yr erweint | 11, 12, 20 | pneumonia |
Triticum spp. | wheat | genith | 13, 34, 61 | plaster, dietary |
Urtica dioica L. | nettles | dynhaden | 132 | epistaxis |
Valeriana officinalis L. | valerian | llysseu cadgan | 26 | abscess |
Veronica officinalis L. | speedwell | ieudat | 17, 38 | abdominal complaints, carbuncle |
Viola odorata L. | violet | violet, uiolet | 5, 7, 55, 149 | head wound, ritual |
Translation of plant names in recipes 11, 12, 15, 19 is corrupted.
- Tenteulys uendigeit (Agrostemma githago L.) could be a corruption of greulys fendigaid for tutsan (Hypericum androsaemum L.).
- Yscal crist (Centaurium erythraea L.) could also indicate St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.).
- Erchwreid/orchwreid (Filipendula ulmaria L.) (11,12,19) could be a corruption of olchwraidd (Sanicula europea L.) Uedlys (40) is correct.
- Ganwreid rydegac (Glechoma hederacea L.) (15) is actually creeping persicaria (Persicaria sp.); eidral (100) could indicate Hedera helix; eido y dayar is correct.
- Twrch (Hypericum androsaemum L) (12) is likely sharp dock (Rumex conglomeratus Murray).
- Bybyrllys (Lepidium latifolium L.) is an incorrect translation (12) to peppermint.
- Ieudat (Ruscus aculeatus L.) is actually speedwell (Veronica officinalis L.).