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. 2020 Feb 28;11:105. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00105

Table 2.

The list of Myddfai I plants and their health indications (recipes 1–188).

Latin name English name Middle Welsh name (MM) Recipe(s) Indication
Achillea millefolium L. milfoil uilffInline graphicth 12, 16, 19, 121, 127, 132, 133, 136 fever, kidney stones, vomiting blood, worms, epistaxis, vomiting
Agrimonia eupatoria L. agrimony trydon, tryInline graphic 11, 12, 19, 20 pneumonia, fever, kidney stones, fertility
Agrostemma githago L. corn cockle tenteulys 1 uendigeit 11 pneumonia
Allium ampeloprasum L. leek gennyn, kenin 100, 135 dog bite, vomiting of blood, fertility, snake bite, ulcers, whooping cough, pneumonia, deafness, headache, bone healing, boils, increase strength, flatulency, worms
Allium sativum L, (var. ophioscorodon (Link) Döll) garlic (and viper's garlic) craf, garllec 24, 56, 96, 97, 138 wounds, prevent fatigue, swelling, pain, epistaxis, proud flesh
Allium ursinum L. ramsons craf y geiuyr 53 abdominal complaints
Anagallis arvensis L. pimpernel diwythyl 15, 17, 20, 21, 53 fever, abdominal complaints, fertility, menorrhagia
Apium graveolens L. smallage (celery) ysmalaes, apiInline graphicm 116, 124, 128 smallpox, calming, ague
Aquilegia vulgaris L. columbine columbina 19, kidney stones
Arctium minus Hill small burdock kyngaInline graphic man 12, 21 fever, menorrhagia
Aristolochia rotunda L. round birthwort hennllydan 11, 12, 42, 43, 45, 51 pneumonia, fever, toothache, inflammation, snake bite
Artemisia abrotanum L. southernwood brytInline graphicn 102, 124 insanity, palsy
Artemisia absinthium L. wormwood wermot 12, 13, 65, 120, 128 fever, destroy fleas, general wellness, snake bite, ague
Artemisia dracunulus L. taragon dragrans 126 worms
Artemisia vulgaris L. mugwort gannwreid 12, 15, 25, 38, 51, 56, 66, 110, 111, 112, 128, 144 fever, worms, carbuncle, prevent fatigue, destroy flies, snake bite, difficult childbirth (ritual), ague
Asarum europaeum L. asarabacca alannon 11 pneumonia
Asplenium scolopendrium L. hart's tongue dauot yr hydd 60, 78 anaphrodisiac, general wellness
Avena sativa L. oats keirch 13, 53 poultice, dietary
Bellis perennis L. daisy hygat y dyd 11, 12, 64, 102, 161 pneumonia, fever, worts, insanity, tumor
Betula pendula Roth birch uedlInline graphicyn 19, 50 kidney stones, impotency,
Borago officinalis L. borage glessyn 15, 17, 19 fever, abdominal complaints, kidney stones
Brassica oleracea L. cabbage (red and green) caInline graphicl (coch) 12, 99 fever, nettle rash
Brassica rapa L. turnips eruin 108, 117 worms, surfeit?
Calluna vulgaris L. heath gruc 11, 12, 116 pneumonia, smallpox
Cannabis sativa L. hemp kywarch 12 fever
Capsella bursa-pastoris L. shepherd's purse phInline graphicrs y bugeil 166 heartache
Carum carvi L. caraway garaInline graphicyt, karaInline graphicn, Iarderv 11, 166 pneumonia, heartache
Centaurea nigra L. knapweed benngalet 12, 38, 45 fever, carbuncle, snake bite
Centaurium erythraea L. centaury yscaInline graphicl crist, centaInline graphicrya 1 12, 114, 115 fever, kidney pains, extreme thirst
Chelidonium majus L. celandine llyssey y wennol 170 eye problems
Chenopodium album L. goosefoot roec, dudren 21, 166 menorrhagia, heartache
Cirsium vulgare Savi common thistle ysgall 122 constipation
Conium maculata L. hemlock kygget 11 pneumonia
Conopodium majus Gouan earthnut bywi 12, 15, 17 fever, abdominal complaints
Coriandrum sativum L. coriander koliandrInline graphicm 128 ague
Corylus avellana L. hazel coll 186 cleaning teeth
Crataegus monogyna Jacq white thorn yspydat 36 worms
Crocus sativus L. saffron saffyr 57, 58, 146 remove drunkenness, induce happiness
Datura stramonium L. thorn apple (dorycnion) vennwen 42 toothache
Digitalis purpurea L. foxglove ffiol y ffrud 53, 74 abdominal complaints, tumors
Empetrum nigrum L. crake berry grygyon 11, 12 pneumonia, fever
Eryngium maritimum L. eringo mor gelyn 52 toothache
Eupatorium cannabinum L. hemp agrimony vedun chwerInline graphic 56, 78, 107 prevent drunkenness, general wellness, cough
Ficus carica L. figs ffigys 137 poison
Filipendula ulmaria L. meadow sweet erchInline graphicreid, uedlys 1 40 pneumonia, fever, kidney stones, hemorrhage
Filix fern redyn 98, 155 burns, hemorrhoids
Foeniculum vulgare Mill fennel ffenigyl 15, 79, 96, 100, 120, 123, 170 fever, general wellness, swelling, pain, dog bite, snake bite, digestion, eye problems
Fragaria vesca L. strawberry syui 10 eye problems
Fraxinus excelsior L. ash onn 31 deafness
Fumaria officinalis L. fumitory mInline graphicc y dayar 13 fever
Galium odoratum L. woodruff udrot 11, 12, 79 pneumonia
Galium verum L. yellow bed straw kylyon, keulon 35, 162 spider bite, swelling
Geranium robertanium L. herb Robert troet rud 11 pneumonia
Geum urbanum L. avens uab coll 11, 12, 21, 41 pneumonia, menorrhagia, hoarseness
Glechoma hederacea L. ground ivy ganwreid rydegaInline graphicc, eido y dayar, eidral 1 15, 19, 72, 100, 129, 145 fever, kidney stones, eye problems, dog bite, ague
Hedera helix L. ivy eidorInline graphicc 29, 30, 98 skin problems, toothache, burns
Helleborus foetidus L. stinking hellebore hylithyr 17 abdominal complaints
Hepatica liverwort redegaInline graphicc 17, 19 abdominal complaints, kidney stones
Hordeum vulgare L. barley heid 33, 111, 163, 168 plaster, dietary, worms, boils,
Huperzia selago L. fir clubmoss tharInline graphicy mynyd 20 fertility
Hypericum androsaemum L. tutsan greulys (uendigeit) 1 12 (English only), 15, 19, 95, 101 fever, kidney stones, inflammation
Hypericum perforatum L. St. John's wort erinllis 12, 19, 20, 38, 41 fever, kidney stones, fertility, carbuncle, hoarseness
Juglans regia L. walnut coll ffrenghic 36 worms
Knautia arvensis L. field scabious bennlas 12, 45 fever, snake bite
Lactuca sp. lettuce gInline graphicylaeth, letus 80, 157 general wellness, fertility
Lamium purpureum L. red nettle dyna coch 12, 38, 51, 164 fever, carbuncle, strangury
Laurus nobilis L. bay dodeit 17, 19 abdominal complaints, kidney stones
Legousia speculum-veneris Fisch corn bell flower drycheigyauc 22 quinsy
Lemna sp. duckweed linat 94, 103 abdominal complaints, constipation
Leonurus cardiaca L. motherwort vamyls 19 kidney stones
Lepidium latifolium L. pepperwort bybyrllys 1 12 fever
Ligustrum vulgare L. privet rysswyd 12 fever
Lilium candidum L. white lily liliInline graphicm gInline graphicynn 98, 118 burns
Linum usitatissimum L. linseed, flax llin 7, 19 head wound, wounds
Lithospermum sp. gromwel grInline graphicmyn 19, 151 kidney stones
Lonicera caprifolium L. honeysuckle gInline graphicydwyd 30 toothache
Malus domestica Borkh. apple aualeu, aual 14, 15, 55 aprient, ritual
Malva sylvestris L. mallows hokys 15, 17, 59, 143 fever, hemorrhoids, abdominal complaints, general wellness
Matricaria sp. chamomile amrannwen 39, 125 wounds, reptiles in stomach
Melissa officinalis L. lemon balm gInline graphicenyn 116 smallpox
Melittis melissophylum L. bastard balm wenenllys uan 12, 21 fever, menorrhagia
Muscus moss misyc, unsyc 15, 17 fever, abdominal complaints
Myrica gale L. sweet gale vrine 17 abdominal complaints
Origanum dictamnus L. dittany ditaen 126, 131, 160 worms, poison, pain
Oxalis acetosella L. wood sorrel suryon y coet 15, 34 fever, headache, joint pain,
Papaver somniferum L. poppy pabi 49 sleep
Persicaria amphibia L. amphibious persicaria granwreid benngoch 12, 15, 19, 20 fever, kidney stones, fertility
Petroselinum crispum Mill. parsley persli 164 strangury
Pimpinella anisum L. anise ennyd 11 pneumonia
Piper nigrum L. pepper (white and black) pybyr 82, 100, 128, 138, 151, 157 general wellness, ague, proud flesh, kidney stones, fertility, bone healing
Plantago major L. plantago major erllyrat, plantaen 110, 127, 128, 161, 162, 163, 166 snake bite, worms, ague, tumor, swelling, boils, heartache
Potentilla reptans L. creeping cinquefoil ganwreid uelen 20 fertility
Primula vulgaris Huds. primrose briallu 68 loss of reason or speech
Prunella vulgaris L. self-heal wennelaInline graphicc, ueidyaInline graphicc 38, 42 carbuncle, toothache
Prunus persica L. peach persig 108 worms
Prunus spinosa L. blackthorn eiryn 167 dyspepsia
Quercus sp. oak derwhyden, keginderw 29, 166 skin problems, heartache
Ranunculus ficaria L. lesser celandine celidonia 96, 170 swelling, pain, eye problems
Raphanus sativus L. radish raphan, (r)hadigyl 120, 156 snake bite, dog bite
Rubia peregrina L. little field madder wreidrInline graphicd lInline graphicyt 19 kidney stones
Rubia tinctorum L. madder wreidrInline graphicd 11,12 pneumonia, fever
Rumex conglomeratus Murray sharp dock turth, twrch 11 pneumonia
Rumex spp. docken tuaol 26, 42 abscess, toothache
Ruscus aculeatus L. butcher's broom iewydd, ieutaInline graphict 1 12, 15 fever
Ruta graveolens L. rue rut 110, 111, 113, 120, 128, 137, 160 snake bite, worms, swelling, pain, ague, poisoning, anaphrodisiac
Salix sp. willow helic 165 warts
Salvia officinalis L. sage saluia 102, 138 insanity, proud flesh
Salvia sclarea L. clary clary llygeit crist 59 anaphrodisiac
Sambucus ebulus L. dwarf elder gruelys war/uaInline graphicr 12, 15 fever
Sambucus nigra L. elder ysgaInline graphic 15, 16, 36, 67 fever, hemorrhoids, worms, snake bite
Samolus valerandi L. water pimpernel glaerllys 19 kidney stones
Saxifraga granulata L. saxifrage saxifraga (tormaen) 151 kidney stones
Scandix pecten-veneris L. shepherd's needle greithic 11, 24 pneumonia, wounds
Scapania undulata L. river startip gynglenyd 17, 106 abdominal complaints, liver disease
Secale cereale L. rye ryc 107, 138, 162 cough
Sedum telephium L. orpine ganwein 12, 20, 21 fever, fertility, menorrhagia
Sinapis alba L. mustard mInline graphicstart 139 expel cold humors, snake bites, toothache, menorrhagia, digestion, colic, hair loss, tympanitis, dimness of sight, skin problems, palsy
Solanum dulcamara L. bittersweet nightshade elinyaInline graphicc 36 worms
Solanum nigrum L. black nightshade morella 163 boils
Stachys officianlis L. betony dannaInline graphicc, danhogen 5, 12, 19, 34, 42, 105, 121, 130 head wound, fever, kidney stones, headache, joint pain, toothache, epistaxis, vomiting blood, vomiting
Symphytum officinale L. comfrey chwefyrdan, consolida maior 26, 169 abscess, bone healing
Taraxacum officinale L. dandelion deint ylleInline graphic 13, 19, 23, 34 fever, kidney stones, exfoliation of the skull, headache, joint pain
Taxus baccata L. yew iaInline graphicn 20 fertility
Tragopogon dubius Scop. yellow goat's beard gInline graphicreid yr erweint 11, 12, 20 pneumonia
Triticum spp. wheat gInline graphicenith 13, 34, 61 plaster, dietary
Urtica dioica L. nettles dynhaden 132 epistaxis
Valeriana officinalis L. valerian llysseu cadInline graphicgaInline graphicn 26 abscess
Veronica officinalis L. speedwell ieudaInline graphict 17, 38 abdominal complaints, carbuncle
Viola odorata L. violet violet, uiolet 5, 7, 55, 149 head wound, ritual

Translation of plant names in recipes 11, 12, 15, 19 is corrupted.

- Tenteulys uendigeit (Agrostemma githago L.) could be a corruption of greulys fendigaid for tutsan (Hypericum androsaemum L.).

- YscaInline graphicl crist (Centaurium erythraea L.) could also indicate St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.).

- Erchwreid/orchwreid (Filipendula ulmaria L.) (11,12,19) could be a corruption of olchwraidd (Sanicula europea L.) Uedlys (40) is correct.

- Ganwreid rydegaInline graphicc (Glechoma hederacea L.) (15) is actually creeping persicaria (Persicaria sp.); eidral (100) could indicate Hedera helix; eido y dayar is correct.

- Twrch (Hypericum androsaemum L) (12) is likely sharp dock (Rumex conglomeratus Murray).

- Bybyrllys (Lepidium latifolium L.) is an incorrect translation (12) to peppermint.

- IeudaInline graphict (Ruscus aculeatus L.) is actually speedwell (Veronica officinalis L.).