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. 2020 Mar-Apr;65(2):112–117. doi: 10.4103/ijd.IJD_646_18

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical profile of patients and controls

Parameter Mean±SD/% P

Cases Controls
Total no. of patients 70 70
Age (in year) Mean 36.48±10.70 34.61±11.53 t=−0.995, P=0.322
Range 12-55 15-59
Gender Male 47 (67.14%) 43 (61.43%) χ2=0.498, P=0.480
Female 23 (32.86%) 27 (38.57%)
Habitat Rural 16 (22.86%) 20 (28.57%) χ2=0.598, P=0.439
Urban 54 (77.14%) 50 (71.43%)
Obesity Obese 27 (38.57%) 15 (21.43%) χ2=4.898, P=0.027
Non-obese 43 (61.43%) 55 (78.57%)
Marital status Married 53 (75.7%) 46 (65.7%) χ2=1.690, P=0.194
Unmarried 17 (24.3%) 24 (34.3%)
BMI (kg/m2) Mean 27.36±3.79 25.27±3.55 t=−3.368, P=0.001
Range 21.96-38.97 19.97-32.9
Waist circumference (in cm) Mean 96.48±7.09 94.17±6.79 t=−1.967, P=0.051
Range 82.5-105.2 83.9-104.1
Mean age of disease onset±S.D. (in year) 33.21±10.44 - -
Mean duration of disease±S.D. (in year) 3.27±1.62 - -
Site Acanthosis Nigricans Only neck 34 (59.65%) - -
Only axilla 3 (5.26%) - -
Both neck and axilla 20 (35.09%) - -
Acrochordons Only neck 10 (32.26%) - -
Only axilla 3 (9.68%) - -
Both neck and axilla 18 (58.06%) - -

P values in bold are significant