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. 2020 Mar 4;10(3):e035854. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035854

Table 1.

Schedule of assessments, data collection methods, sample type/domain, and the test or task

Time point Age Data collection method Sample type/domain of measurement Test/task
1 Antenatal Records and interview Socioeconomic status Maternal and paternal education, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation derived from home postcode
Medical/demographic Family and medical history and exposures
2 Birth Records, questionnaire and tissue Medical History and exposures
Placenta Structured histopathology rating and storage
Cord blood Panel of immunoregulatory and trophic proteins
Gene expression array*
3 Neonatal Tissue: blood Blood spot Panel of immunoregulatory and trophic proteins
Gene expression array*
Tissue: saliva Epigenetics DNA methylation
Tissue: nasal swab Nasal lining fluid Antimicrobial peptides including cathelicidin levels*
DNA/RNA Respiratory microbiota*
Stool DNA/RNA Gut microbiota*
Direct observation Medical Anthropometry
Retinopathy of prematurity assessment Grade retinopathy
Parent IQ National Adult Reading Test
MRI Brain structure and connectivity Structural and diffusion 3T MRI
Questionnaire Medical/demographic Breast feeding and updated perinatal medical history
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Parenting Daily Hassles
WHO—Quality Of Life
Adult Temperament Questionnaire
4 4.5 months Questionnaire, by post or online or phone interview Demographics Updated socioeconomic status, maternal education, breastfeeding/nutrition activities
Infant temperament Infant Behaviour Questionnaire, Revised, short form
Parent well-being Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
WHO—Quality Of Life
Tissue: nasal swab DNA/RNA Respiratory microbiota*
5 9 months Tissue: saliva Epigenetics DNA methylation
HPAA Cortisol: waking, 30 min after waking, before bed
Prestill-face and poststill-face procedure
Tissue: nasal swab Nasal lining fluid Antimicrobial peptides including cathelicidin levels*
DNA/RNA Respiratory microbiota*
Eye tracking Social development Free scanning: neutral faces
Free scanning: pop-out task, looking to faces and distractors
Free scanning: social preferential looking to social and non-social images
Free scanning: dancing ladies social and non-social videos
Attention Switching and disengagement: gap-overlap task, fixation to central and peripheral cues
Sustained attention: follow the bird task, following moving target
Processing speed Free scanning: odd-one-out visual search task (simple letters version)
Free-scanning: word–picture matching task
Direct observation Visual acuity Keeler card assessment
Social development Still-face procedure (sub-set with computational motor assessment)
Parent–child play, for later behavioural coding: (subset with computational motor assessment)
Questionnaire Infant temperament Infant Behaviour Questionnaire, Revised, short form
Sleep and Settle Questionnaire
Language MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory (words and gestures)
Parent well-being WHO—Quality Of Life
Feedback Feedback form, monitoring satisfaction with research project
Direct observation Anthropometry Growth
Parent interview Demographics Family circumstances update form including breastfeeding, socioeconomic status (home postcode)
Developmental level Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales: comprehensive interview form
6 2 years Direct observation Ophthalmology Refraction
Anthropometry Growth
Tissue: nasal swab Nasal lining fluid Antimicrobial peptides including cathelicidin levels*
DNA/RNA Respiratory microbiota*
Eye tracking Social development Free scanning: neutral faces
Free scanning: pop-out task, looking to faces and distractors
Free scanning: social preferential looking to social and non-social images
Free scanning: dancing ladies social and non-social videos
Attention Switching and disengagement: gap-overlap task, fixation to central and peripheral cues
Sustained attention: follow the bird task, following moving target
Processing speed Free scanning: odd-one-out visual search task
Free-scanning: word–picture matching task
Direct observation Social development Parent–child play, for later behavioural coding
Executive function Following Instructions task
Bayley-III General developmental level*
Questionnaire Temperament Early Childhood Behaviour Questionnaire, Revised, short form
Child Sleep Habits Questionnaire
Language MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory (words and sentences)
Social development Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
Executive function BRIEF-P
Early Executive Function Questionnaire
Developmental level Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales: comprehensive parent rating form
Parent well-being WHO—Quality Of Life
Feedback Feedback form, monitoring satisfaction with research project
Parent interview Demographics Family circumstances update form including breastfeeding, socioeconomic status (home postcode)
7 5 years Tissue: saliva Epigenetics DNA methylation
HPAA Cortisol
Tissue: nasal swab DNA/RNA Respiratory microbiota*
Direct observation Anthropometry Growth
Blood pressure Hypertension
Ophthalmology Refraction and acuity
Social development Parent–child play, for later behavioural coding
Executive function Following Instructions task
Developmental level Mullen Scales of Early Learning
Eye tracking  Social development Free scanning: neutral faces
Free scanning: pop-out task, looking to faces and distractors
Free scanning: social preferential looking to social and non-social images
Free scanning: dancing ladies social and non-social videos
Attention Switching and disengagement: gap-overlap task, fixation to central and peripheral cues
Sustained attention: follow the bird task, following moving target
Processing speed Free scanning: odd-one-out visual search task (complex objects version)
Questionnaire Temperament Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (both teacher and parent report versions)
Language Children's Communication Checklist
Social development Social Communication Questionnaire: Current
Executive function DuPaul ADHD Rating Scale
Visual perception Cerebral Visual Impairment Inventory
Parent well-being WHO—Quality Of Life
Feedback Feedback form monitoring satisfaction with research project
Developmental level Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales: domain-level parent rating form
Parent interview Demographics Family circumstances update form including socioeconomic status (home postcode)

*Subset of participants.

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; BRIEF-P, Behaviour Rating Inventory for Executive Function, Preschool; HPAA, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis.