Table 2.
Characteristics of participants
Variable | N = 18 |
Age | 58.2 (6.6) |
Gender, n (%) female | 12 (66%) |
Height | 169.3 (9.4) |
Weight | 79.5 (21.3) |
BMI | 27.8 (5.7) |
Duration of heel pain (months) | 15.9 (16.3) |
Education (years) | 16.1 (3.6) |
First step pain, 100 mm VASa | 45.6 (34.0) |
Average pain today, 100 mm VAS | 34.3 (25.4) |
Average pain past 7 days, 100 mm VAS | 43.9 (24.7) |
Foot Pain, FHSQb (100 point scale) | 51.4 (17.5) |
Foot Function, FHSQ (100 point scale) | 52.8 (30.4) |
Note: values represent mean ± SD, unless otherwise stated
Abbreviations: FHSQ Foot Health Status Questionnaire, VAS Visual Analogue Scale
aHigher values indicate greater severity of pain
b0 corresponds to the worst foot health, 100, the best