Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) |
Irregularly shaped mass
Hypoechoic (occasionally complex mass with solid and cystic components, secondary to necrosis)
Not parallel orientation
Angular or spiculated margins
Posterior acoustic shadowing
Ductal Carcinoma in-situ (DCIS) |
Architectural distortion
Calcified DCIS: echogenic foci located within a mass or a duct, associated with internal microlobulations, or distributed in a branch pattern.
Noncalcified DCIS: hypoechoic mass with microlobulated margins and no posterior acoustic features, or it may have a “pseudomicrocystic” appearance.
Less frequently, can present as an intracystic mass.
Mucinous Carcinoma |
Complex mass with solid and cystic components.
Increased vascularity of the solid components.
Posterior acoustic enhancement.
Intracystic Papillary Carcinoma (IPC) |
Round or oval shaped mass
Microlobulated or circumscribed margins
Often in the retroareolar region