FIG. 2.
Computational results of steady oxygen tension in the microfluidic device as the locations of the gas channels and PC film (Hg, Hf) were varied. Péclet numbers for the medium and gas flows were set at (Pem, Peg) = (0, 100). (a) Oxygen distributions on a horizontal cross section (z = 0 mm), generated by supplying a gas mixture containing 0% O2 to both gas channels (H0) or by supplying gas mixtures with 0% and 21% O2 to the left- and right-hand gas channels, respectively (G). Oxygen tension profiles across the gel channel (y = 0.2 mm) under the oxygen conditions of (b) H0 and (c) G. The origin was set at the center of the gel channel, and the x-direction was defined as the horizontal direction normal to the gel channel. Regions shaded with pink and green indicate sections of the media and gel channels, respectively.