SCRE1 is a secreted protein in Ustilaginoidea virens. (A) The putative signal peptide of SCRE1 is functional to guide invertase secretion into culture medium (CM). YTK12 is an invertase secretion‐deficient yeast strain. The secretion of invertase is indicated by the growth of YTK12 on YPRAA plates with raffinose as sole carbon source. The signal peptide of Avr1b and the first 25 amino acids of Mg87 were used for positive and negative controls, respectively. (B) SCRE1‐HA was detected in CM and in the total cell lysate (TCL) via western blot (WB) analysis. The non‐secreted β‐tubulin protein UV_1410‐HA and β‐actin, as negative controls, were only detected in the TCL, but not in the CM. α‐HA, anti‐haemagglutinin antibody; α‐β‐actin, anti‐β‐actin antibody. CCB, Coomassie brilliant blue staining; SCRE1‐HA, U. virens transformed with pCAMBIA1301‐RP27::SCRE1‐HA; UV_1410‐HA, U. virens transformed with pCAMBIA1301‐RP27::UV_1410‐HA.