Figure 5.
Ectopic expression of SCRE1 suppresses pattern‐triggered immunity and promotes pathogen infection in rice. (A), (B) Dexamethasone (DEX)‐induced expression of SCRE1 inhibited the oxidative burst triggered by flg22 (A) and chitin (B) in the Z195 and Z196 transgenic rice plants. Leaf disks collected from the wild‐type, Z195 and Z196 transgenic plants were immersed in DEX (10 µM) and mock solution for 16 h followed by treatment of flg22 (10 µM) and hexa‐N‐acetyl‐chitohexaose (8 µM). The area under the curve for 30‐min oxidative burst (relative luminescence units × time, see Fig. S4B–E) was determined for the wild‐type and transgenic plants after different treatments. Asterisks indicate statistical significance in oxidative burst from flg22‐ and chitin‐treated transgenic rice leaves with and without DEX treatment (P < 0.05). Histogram shows means ± SE for nine leaf disks from different plants. RLU, relative luminescence unit. (C), (D) DEX‐induced expression of SCRE1 significantly inhibited OsPR10a expression triggered by flg22 and chitin in the Z178 (C) and Z196 (D) transgenic lines. The wild‐type and transgenic seedlings were treated with DEX (10 µM) and mock solution for 24 h followed by flg22 (1 µM) and chitin (10 µg/mL). OsPR10a expression was detected by RT‐qPCR and normalized to the reference gene OsActin. Different letters above error bars indicate statistically significant differences in the OsPR10a transcript levels in the wild‐type and transgenic lines under different treatments (P < 0.05). (E), (F) SCRE1 expression in the transgenic lines significantly promoted pathogen infection after inoculation of rice bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (E) and rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (F). The wild‐type and transgenic plants were challenged with pathogens at 24 h after spraying with DEX (10 µM) and mock solution. At least 12 leaves were measured for lesion lengths at 12 days after bacterial inoculation. Lesion areas on 20 inoculated leaves were photographed at 6 days after fungal inoculation and calculated using Abode Photoshop. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences in disease lesions on the inoculated leaves with and without DEX treatment. Error bars represent means ± SE. Nip, Nipponbare; Z178, Z195 and Z196, three independent transgenic lines; DEX−, no dexamethasone treatment; DEX+, with dexamethasone treatment.