Fig. 3. Absent expression of NOD2 contributed to clinical hepatocellular carcinoma progression.
a 165 pairs of HCC tissues and their corresponding non-cancerous liver tissues were used for IHC assay to detect the location and relative expression of NOD2. Presented images were representative figures of the investigated HCC cases (left panel). NOD2 expression by IHC assay in cancerous and non-cancerous liver tissues was further quantitatively analyzed by IPP6 software (right panel). b NOD2 expression in different TNM stages by IHC assay was statistically analyzed. c Expression levels of NOD2 mRNA in 64 HCC tissues and matched non-cancerous liver tissues were detected and statistically analyzed. d Western blot was performed to detect the relative protein levels of NOD2 in paired HCC samples and representative bands were presented (left panel). The relative band densities from all of the detected patients were analyzed by Image J software and normalized by β-actin (right panel). e The relative NOD2 protein expression in well-differentiated tumors and poor-differentiated tumors were statistically analyzed. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001 for statistical analysis of the indicated groups.