Effects of insulin deficiency on passive mesenteric artery wall parameters. (a) Inner and (b) outer diameters, (c) wall thickness, and (d) wall cross‐sectional area (CSA) over the pressurisation range (5–120 mmHg) in sham AnxA1
+/+ (n = 14), sham AnxA1
−/− (n = 10), insulin‐deficient (InsDef) AnxA1
+/+ (n = 10), and insulin‐deficient AnxA1
−/− (n = 8) male mice. Values are mean ± SEM. *P < .05, significantly different from sham AnxA1
+/+, §
P < .05, significantly different from AnxA1
+/+ insulin‐deficient mice. Data were analysed using repeated‐measures two‐way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc analysis