Table 1.
Thresholds/ cut points in elements relevant to expected performance (Bolded measures indicate the way that the Fried frailty phenotype attributes were calculated)
Frailty measures | Calculation | Threshold for poor performance (referenced for published norms) |
Walking speed | Six Minute Walk Test [38] | >80th% distribution of differences between predicted and actual 6MWT [38] |
Grip strength | Dominant hand grip strength measured in sitting [39, 40] | < 10th% age-gender norms [40] |
Self-reports of unintentional weight loss | Yes/ No | Yes (1) |
Self-reported physical activity [36] | Accumulate 150 to 300 min (2 ½ to 5 h) of moderate intensity physical activity, or 75 to 150 min (1 ¼ to 2 ½ hours) of vigorous intensity physical activity, or an equivalent combination of both moderate and vigorous activities, each week. | 1 = Less than median recommended time per week spent walking, and no moderate or vigorous activity [36] |
K10_tiredness score (Q. 1) [37] | Single response item scored 1–5, with 1 = none; 5 = all of the time | 4 or 5 [37] |
Modified Functional Movement Screen (FMS) elements (0–3, with 0 being pain precluding activity, 1 being unable to attempt test, 2 being partial attempt; 3 successfullycompleted test) [31, 41] | Sum of scores for deep squat, hurdle step, in line floor lunge, opposite side arm / leg extension in four-point kneeling | ≤12 |
Capacity to walk a flight of stairs [38] | Self-report Yes / No | No (0) [38] |
GPCog [42] | Summed scores | ≤8 [42] |
BMI [43] | Underweight | ≤18 [43] |
BMI [43] | Overweight / obese | ≥26 [43] |
Lean muscle mass [44] | Calculated for males as 0.407* weight (kgs) + 0.267* height (cms)- 19.2; and for females as 0.252* weight (kgs) + 0.473* height (cms)- 48.3 [44] | ≤24.5 [44] |
Chronic health conditions | Total number of current chronic conditions | ≥1 |
Health concerns | Any | 1 |
Pain | Any pain * length of time suffered (years) | ≥2 |
Total nutrition score [35] | Sum of (Yes scores to daily consumption of 5+ serves vegetables; 2+ serves fruit; mostly eat wholegrain or alternative grains; one serve day meat or alternatives; 2 serves dairy, limited intake of sugary drinks, processed foods and takeaways) | ≤6 |
Water intake [35] | Not answering ‘plenty’ | 0 [35] |
Modified K10 [37] | Total score minus exhaustion component (Question 1) | ≥12 |
Health concerns | Any | 1 |
Continence concerns [33] (score 1 for each reported problem * degree of bother) [bother scored 1 = not at all to 5 = a lot] | Total score of urge incontinence, stress incontinence, frequency, problems emptying bladder, urinary leakage, discomfort, bulging pelvic floor, faecal incontinence | ≥3 |
Unplanned health service use in past 12 months | Sum of number of unplanned hospitalisations, Emergency Department contacts | > 1 |
Living status | Alone | 1 |
Total sleep quality score (PSQI) [34] | Summed scores | ≥8 [34] |
Near miss falls in last 6 months and/or falls in the last 6 months | yes, no | 1 = yes (any) |
Balance for 5 s (eyes open, standing on R or L leg) [45] | 5 s is compliant for each leg (summed for Right + Left leg) | 1 is < 10 s [45] |
Balance for 5 s (eyes closed, standing on R or L leg) [45] | 5 s is compliant for each leg (summed for Right + Left leg) | 1 is < 10 s [45] |