Table 3. Cost effect of different variable endpoints.
Clinical outcomes | Cost per outcome | Reference |
Length of stay (inpatient days) | $1,553 | Halpern et al. (10) |
ICU (days), If applicable | $4,738 | Halpern et al. (10) |
Conversion to open | $3,162–$7,812 | Premier database* |
Transfusions | $1,142 | Shander et al. (11) |
Post operative complications | 0.3× $14,009 | Vonlanthen et al. (12) |
Minor complications | 0.3× $14,009 | Vonlanthen et al. (12) |
Major complications | 2.8× $14,009 | Vonlanthen et al. (12) |
OR time (min) | $11 | Chatterjee (13) |
*, Internal estimates based on 2013 National Premier database. Analysis and data, including ICD-9 codes, are on file.