Study | Reason for exclusion |
Ahokas 1998 | Not an RCT: a case report study of two women (oestrogen as treatment). |
Ahokas 1999a | Not an RCT: a case report study of two women (oestrogen as treatment). |
Ahokas 1999b | Not an RCT: a case report study of two women suffering from puerperal psychosis (oestrogen as treatment). |
Ahokas 2000 | Not an RCT: a pilot study that included 10 women suffering from postpartum psychosis recruited consecutively. No randomisation process was reported (oestrogen as treatment). |
Ahokas 2001 | Not an RCT: an open label study that included 23 women (oestrogen as treatment). |
Ball 1999 | Not an RCT: a case report study (oestrogen as treatment). |
Cizza 1997 | A letter to the editor commenting on the Gregoire trial. No original data. |
Dalton 1985 | Not an RCT: an open study that included 100 women who self‐selected to receive treatment and were compared with untreated women (progesterone as prophylaxis). |
Dalton 1989 | Not an RCT: an open study that included 215 women with a previous history of postpartum depression who were encouraged to receive both injections and suppositories of progesterone for 8 weeks. Details of the intervention were unclear and the different dosage of progesterone were used by women. There was no uniform scoring system used to examine a recurrence of postpartum depression (progesterone as prophylaxis). |
Kumar 2003 | Not an RCT: an open study that included 29 pregnant women with a history of bipolar and schizoaffective disorder. Variable oestrogen doses were used (oestrogen as prophylaxis). |
Sichel 1995 | Not an RCT: an open label study that included 11 women with a history of either non‐psychotic major depressive episode or manic postpartum psychosis (oestrogen as prophylaxis). |
Van Der Meer 1984 | The methodology of this study was inadequate. The sample size was only 10 women and no randomisation or blinding details were provided (progesterone as prophylaxis). |
RCT: randomised controlled trial