Figure 6.
Reaction of the Wiesner test on genetically modified lignin in poplar. (A) Unstained and 2 min stained transverse cross-sections of poplar WT, C4H-RNAi, and CCR-RNAi plants. Rays (R), vessels (V), and fibers (F) and xylem developmental stages according to Sundell et al. (2017) are indicated by dotted lines relatively to the cambium. Bars = 25 µm. (B) Changes in absorbance in response to the Wiesner test monitored in the different cell types, genotypes, and along xylem development. Circles indicate the average of each individual replicate and bars represent the average per genotype. The color of bars represents the respective average color of the stain. Quantification was done on 20 measured points of 5 pixels each per cell type in five individual plants, before binning the points according to their distance to the cambium (I, 0–50 µm; II, 50–100 µm; III, 100 µm–pith). Letters indicate significant differences according to a Tukey-HSD test (per panel; α = 0.05). (C) Hierarchical clustering of Wiesner test absorbance in the three lignified cell types at the three xylem developmental stages in the three genotypes of poplar using the range normalized Euclidean distance of their average difference from the WT. (D) Principal component analysis of the three lignified cell types at the three xylem developmental stages according to their absorbance in the three tested genotypes; 95% data ellipses are indicated.