Fig 3. Vascular graph clustering.
(a) Community clustering applied to the vascular network by using an unweighted vascular graph representation, w0. Color codes for community membership. (b) and (c) Image volume rendering and the vascular graph segmentation, respectively, of a sub-volume (∼100μm width) extracted in a dense and modular area of the tissue near the central lymph node (white dotted rectangle depicted in (a)). (d) Schematic illustration of vascular communities; (e) structural community graph, with the number of vessels connecting two communities as edges weights (5 and 1 here); and (f) bi-functional community graph with in/out fluxes Qij as edges weights. (g) Graph clustering of the communities for geometrical based weight (w2, curvilinear distance) and (h) perfusion based weight (hydraulic resistance w3); the disks are located in community centers projected in the (x, y) plane with sizes coding for volumes and color for vascular density (volumic ratio from 0% to 20%) illustrated with a cold-to-warm color scale. (i) Linear regressions of the scatter plot of number of vessels between each pair of communities Nev versus number of vessels in the community Niv (for each community in (d), number of colored edges vs. number of black edges). Full lines are the linear regressions for each clustering weight wi. w0 no weight (slope s = 0.61); w1 Euclidean distance (cf. Fig 2(a)) (s = 0.62); w2 curvilinear distance (cf. Fig 2(a)) (s = 0.66); w3 hydraulic resistance (Cf. S2 Text) (s = 0.25); w4: hydraulic conductance (Cf. S2 Text) (s = 0.28). The gray curve is the result of Blinder et al. [5] with s = 0.83. Dashed lines delimit the boundaries of weak communities (therefore having strong connections between units) with slopes s = 2/3 and s = 1. Shaded areas are the standard errors associated with each regression. The linear regressions are normalized with zero offset at the origin. (j) Non-normalized scatter plot for weight w0 with the associated linear regression in a solid line (other weights are reproduced in S2 Text).