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. 2020 Feb 21;9:e54170. doi: 10.7554/eLife.54170

Figure 1. Groups of lumbar Pitx2+ interneurons are rhythmically active during fictive locomotion.

Figure 1.

(a) Illustration of ventral root recordings and Ca2+ imaging from Pitx2+ interneurons (green) in hemisected spinal cords from Pitx2::Cre;GCAMP6 mice. (b) Pitx2+ interneurons visualized in the L1-3 upper lumbar regions in a neonatal hemisected spinal cord from a Pitx2::Cre;GCAMP6 mouse. (c) Ventral root output and examples of Ca2+ imaging traces from the four neurons marked in (b). (d) Phase plots depicting relationships between Ca2+ transients in interneurons and ventral root output for three neurons in L1-3 (top) and three neurons in L4-6 (bottom). Blue points represent the phasing of individual Ca2+ transients within a locomotor cycle, red points represent the mean direction and strength of the phasing for each neuron, and grey shading indicates the average duration of upper lumbar-related bursts. (e) Summary graph of mean direction and strength of phasing for all interneurons analyzed (L1-3, n=31; and L4-6, n=19).

Figure 1—source data 1. Values for circular phase plot of rhythmically active L1-L3 and L4-L5 Pitx2+ interneurons.