Figure 3.
Per-region Hausdorff distances, in mm units, for the Leave-One-Out cross-validation test for labelled datasets comparing (i) automated with manual M-CRIB-S(DKT) parcellations and (ii) automated with manual M-CRIB-S(DK) parcellations. The banks of the superior temporal sulcus (BSTS), frontal pole (FP), and temporal pole (TP) regions are greyed out in (i) because they are not present in the DKT parcellation scheme. CAC: Caudal anterior cingulate, CMF: Caudal middle frontal, CUN: Cuneus, ENT: Entorhinal, FUS: Fusiform, INFP: Inferior parietal, INS: Insula, ISTC: Isthmus cingulate, IT: Inferior temporal, LIN: Lingual, LOCC: Lateral occipital, LORB: Lateral orbitofrontal, MORB: Medial orbitofrontal, MT: Middle temporal gyrus, PARH: Parahippocampal, PARC: Paracentral lobule, POPE: Pars opercularis, PORB: Pars orbitalis, PCING: Posterior cingulate, PCAL: Pericalcarine, POSTC: Posterior cingulate, PCUN: Precuneus, PREC: Precentral, PTRI: Pars triangularis, RAC: Rostral anterior cingulate, RMF: Rostral middle frontal, SF: Superior frontal, SMAR: Supramarginal gyrus, SP: Superior parietal, ST: Superior temporal gyrus, TT: Transverse temporal gyrus.