Figure 1.
Graphic illustration of the experimental design and procedure. Participants were subjected to four sessions. At session 1, participants completed the DASS23, the Mini-DIPS24 and the fear conditioning task19. At the end of the session, participants received information about the exposure treatment, psychoeducation about spider phobia, and filled in the spider-fear related questionnaires (#1). At session 2 (conducted approx. 1 week later), participants received instructions on the BAT and were familiarized with the SUDS. Participants then completed the first BAT (#1), after which the first exposure session was conducted. Approx. 2-3 days later, at session 3, the second exposure session was conducted, followed by a short rehearsal of BAT instructions and the completion of the BAT (#2) and the spider-fear related questionnaires (#2). The follow-up assessment (session 4) was conducted approximately six weeks later. Here, the BAT (#3) was conducted in both the treatment context as well as in a novel context (BAT #4), with a randomized order of context presentation. At the end of session 4, the spider-fear related questionnaires (#3) were completed and participants were fully debriefed. DASS Items: Depression Anxiety Stress Scales23.