Figure 4.
Dendritic Microtubules Become More Dynamic with KIFC3 or CAMSAP2 Depletion
(A) Representative images of dendrites of hippocampal neurons DIV12 transfected with mCherry-α-tubulin, photoactivated GFP-α-tubulin together with pSuper-scrambled control, KIFC3 shRNA2, or CAMSAP2 shRNA (Video S3). Time is indicated at the left of each image. PA-GFP channel was indicated in black and red, and LUT was shown from the right. Red dash lines indicate the photoactivated microtubule region. Scale bars, 5 μm.
(B) Quantification of the percentage of the neurons described in (A), in which the photoconverted region elongated.
(C) Quantification of microtubule bundle elongation. Other measurements were shown in Figures S3D–S3J. Control: N = 5, n = 36; KIFC3 shRNA2: N = 4, n = 35; CAMSAP2 shRNA: N = 2, n = 15. Error bars, SEM.
(D) Quantification of microtubule bundle elongation 3 h after photo-conversion corresponding to (A) and (C). KIFC3 shRNA2+KIFC3-rigor: N = 2, n = 20; KIFC3 shRNA2+KIFC3-Chimera: N = 3, n = 10; KIFC3 shRNA2+KIFC3-WT: N = 3, n = 12; KIFC3 shRNA2+Taxol: N = 3, n = 8. Error bars, SEM. Columns were compared with control. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001 (unpaired t test).
(E) Schematic graph of microtubule displacement in (A).