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. 2020 Mar 5;11:73–86. doi: 10.2147/PROM.S239429

Table 2.

Clinical and Immunological Characteristics of Study Participants

Variables Number (%)
CTX prophylaxis Yes 105 (65.63)
No 55 (34.37)
INH prophylaxis Yes 57 (35.62)
No 103(64.38)
TB treatment history Yes 108(67.50)
No 52(32.50)
Type of TB Pulmonary 49 (45.37)
Disseminated 29 (26.85)
Unknown 30 (27.78)
Clinical stage (WHO) Stage I 13(8.12)
Stage II 45 (28.13)
Stage III 72 (45)
Stage IV 30 (18.75)
Eligibility reason to HAART CD4+ count 55 (34.40)
Clinical 19 (11.90)
CD4+ count & clinical 86 (53.70)
Mean time on HAART (in months) 49.13±17.09
Median duration with HIV (in months) 74.75 (IQR: 57.23–104.63)
Base line CD4+ count (cells/µL) Median (IQR) 182.00 (104.53–262.4)
<200 97 (60.63)
200 −349 49 (30.62)
350 – 499 10 (6.25)
≥500 4 (2.5)
Time elapsed from diagnosis to HAART initiation (in months) Within the same month 62 (38.75)
1–24 64 (40)
≥24 44 (21.25)
Functional Status Working 143(89.37)
Ambulatory 17 (10.63)
HAART Regimen Nevirapine based 59 (36.88)
Efavirenz based 89 (56.25)
Second line 11 (6.87)
Prior regimen change Yes 100(62.5)
No 60(37.5)
NCD comorbidity Hypertension 22 (13.75%)
Diabetes 19 (11.88)
Cardiac (Heart failure) 7 (4.37)
Asthma/COPD# 6 (3.75)
Mental Illness 3 (1.88)
Epilepsy 3 (1.88)
Multimorbidity** 20 (12.50)

Notes: #Only one COPD patient included; **co-occurrence 2 or more disease together.

Abbreviations: CTX, Cotrimoxazole; INH, Isoniazid; TB, Tuberculosis; WHO, World Health Organization; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; SD, Standard Deviation; CD4+, Cluster Differentiation, HAART, Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NCD, Non-communicable disease.