Figure 8.
Met-RANTES effects on ECG records and cytokine concentrations in the heart tissue of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mice. (A) C57BL/6 mice were infected with 100 trypomastigote forms of the Colombian T. cruzi strain and treated from 120–150 dpi with vehicle (Veh) or Met-RANTES (Met-R, 10 μg/mice). At 120 and 150 dpi, ECG registers were recorded. At 150 dpi, hearts were collected for evaluation of CCL3 and TNF concentrations by ELISA. (B) Group data for the ECG records showing the average heart rate (beats per minute, bpm), variation in the PR and QTc intervals (ms), at 120 di. (C) Group data for the ECG records showing the average heart rate (beats per minute, bpm), variation in the PR and QTc intervals (ms), at 150 dpi. (D) CCL3 concentrations in extracts of heart tissue evaluated by ELISA, at 150 dpi. (E) Correlations of CCL3 and TNF concentrations in heart tissue extracts with QTc intervals (ms), at 150 dpi. Data represent two independent experiments with five NI and three to four infected mice. The data are represented as means ± SE. **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001, T. cruzi-infected mice vs. NI; #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01 Veh-treated vs. Met-R-treated. (t-Student test, ANOVA Bonferroni posttest).