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. 2010 Jul 7;2010(7):CD001972. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001972.pub4

Meunier 1990a.

Methods Randomised, parallel group study conducted in Belgium. Patient, carer, assessor blind. No clear information on withdrawals given. No information on funding except all study drugs supplied by Pfizer. No dates for recruitment period.
Participants Adults with mixed cancer. 40 patients enrolled, 37 completed.
Interventions 2 groups. Ketoconazole 2 x 200 mg, once/day. Fluconazole 2 x 250 mg/day. Duration of therapy from 4 to 27 days, median 14 days.
Outcomes Clinical eradication, and improvement. Assessment made at days 4 to 27. Microbiological eradication of initial pathogen (culture).
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation? Low risk Quote: "Randomisation chart".
Allocation concealment? Low risk Quote: "All study drugs were supplied by Pfizer and were administered in identical capsules".
Blinding of participants and carers? Low risk Quote: "All study drugs were supplied by Pfizer and were administered as identical capsules".
Blinding of outcome assessors? Low risk Quote: "....double‐blind".
Incomplete outcome data addressed? Low risk Quote: "Forty patients enrolled in the study, 3 were excluded (8%) before the code was opened".
Comment: The reasons were given but not by group as the code was not broken. It is felt not to be a source of bias.
Free of selective reporting? Low risk Comment: Clinical and mycological eradication (culture).
Free of other biases? Unclear risk No information on funding except all study drugs supplied by Pfizer.