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. 2020 Feb 21;(Suppl 19):42–56. doi: 10.15288/jsads.2020.s19.42

Table 1.

Summary of studies included in the systematic review

graphic file with name jsads.2020.s19.42tbl1.jpg

Study Country Data collection year Sample age, range or M (SD) Sample size Control variables Marketing exposure Type of media Alcohol use Key findings Quality-assessment score
Atkin et al. (1984) United States n.a. 7th–12th grade 665 ID; IP - Overall index of liquor ads exposure - Magazines (for liquor ads) - Amount of drinking beer per week - Positive association between liquor ads exposure and liquor drinking 7
- Overall index of beer and wine exposure - Magazines, TV (for beer/wine ads) - Amount of drinking wine per week \- Positive association between beer and wine ads exposure and beer drinking
- Amount of drinking liquor per week
Austin et al. (1995) United States 1992 Age 7–12 years 213 children, 276 parents ID - Liking ads - TV - Lifetime tasting - Positive associations between liking alcohol ads and brand-specific knowledge and outcome 8
- Seeing ads
- Brand-specific knowledge
Clapp & McDonnel (2000) United States n.a. Age 24.1 (6.8) years 409 ID; IP - Campus promotions of alcohol - Bar/nightclub; grocery/liquor store; industry ads on campus (composite) - Past-month frequency - Negative association 9
Critchlow et al. (2016) United Kingdom 2013–2015 Age 18–25 years 405 ID - Traditional marketing awareness - Offline marketing: event sponsorship, magazines, TV, sports sponsorship, in-store posters, billboards and posters, newspapers, packaging, price promotions (composite) - Past-year HED frequency - Positive associations 8
- Digital marketing awareness - Digital marketing: downloadable content for mobile phones and computers, ads on on-demand TV, games, online shops selling alcohol or branded merchandise, websites, marketing on social media, viral videos or ads, smartphone applications, display ads, emails, competitions (composite)
- Engaging with digital marketing
de Bruijn et al. (2016) - Germany 2010 Age 14.05 (0.82) years - 8,985 ID; IP; EV - Seeing ads - TV - Lifetime drinking status - Positive associations between seeing ads and outcomes 9
- Italy - 8,982 - Owning alcohol-related merchandise - Alcohol-branded promotional item - Past-month HED status - Positive associations between ownership of an alcohol-branded promotional item and outcomes
- Netherlands
- Poland
Faria et al. (2011) Brazil 2006 7th, 8th grade 1,115 ID - Paying attention to ads - TV - Past-month beer drinking status - Positive associations 7
- Veracity of ads
- Affective response to ads
Faulkner et al. (2017) Australia 2011 Age 12–17 years 4,398 ID; IP - Seeing or hearing ads - TV/radio; billboards/ newspapers/ magazines; sporting events (composite) - Past-month drinking status - Positive associations between seeing ads and owning branded merchandise with outcomes 8
- Owning alcohol-related merchandise - Alcohol-branded products - Past-week risky drinking (5+ drinks on any 1 day)
- Sponsorship awareness - Sponsorship of sports team or player
Gordon et al. (2011) Scotland n.a. Age 12–14 years 864 ID; IP - Liking ads - Marketing: TV/cinema; posters/billboards; newspapers/ magazines; in-store; price promotions; sports sponsorship; clothing; email; websites; screensavers; social networking sites; music sponsorship; TV/film sponsorship; celebrity endorsement; product design (composite) - Lifetime drinking status - Positive associations 8
- Marketing awareness - Promotions: free samples; branded gifts; promotional mail/emails; branded clothing; websites; mobile phone/computer screensavers; social networking sites (composite)
- Participating in promotions
Gunter et al. (2009) United Kingdom n.a. Age 17–23 years 298 ID; IP - Seeing ads - TV - Past-month frequency - Positive associations 7
- Cinemas
- Magazines
Huckle et al. (2008) New Zealand 2005 Age 12–17 years 1,179 ID; IP; EV - Seeing ads - On- and off-license premises; billboards; sports or music events; TV; radio; magazines (composite) - Typical quantity - No association for all outcomes after adjusting for alcohol environmental factors 9
- Recalling brands - Past-year frequency
- Frequency of drunkenness
Hurtz et al. (2007) United States 2003 6th–8th grade - 2,125 for lifetime drinking ID; IP - Visiting outlet with alcohol ads - POS ads - Lifetime drinking status - Positive association between POS ads and lifetime drinking 9
- 556 for past-month drinking - Owning alcohol-related merchandis - Alcohol promotional items - Past-month drinking status - Positive associations between owning alcohol promotional items and outcomes
Jones & Magee (2011) Australia n.a. Age 12–17 years 1,113 ID; IP - Seeing ads - TV - Lifetime drinking status - Positive associations between exposure to ads in magazines, bottle shop, bar, and promotional materials with lifetime drinking 8
- Magazine - Past-year frequency - Positive associations between exposure to ads on TV and in bars with past-year frequency
- Newspaper - Past-month drinking status - Positive associations between exposure to ads in magazines, on the internet and in bars with past-month drinking
- Internet - Differences by age and gender were also identified
- Billboard
- Bottle shop
- Bars or pubs
- Promotional materials
Kheokao et al. (2013) Thailand 2011 Age 9–22 years 5,145 ID; IP - Media exposure - Media exposure: TV, radio, print media, internet, out-of-home media, SMS (composite) - Level of alcohol use (low, hazardous, harmful, high) - Positive associations between media exposure, information reception, and skepticism with level of alcohol use 9
- Information reception - Information reception: TV, radio, newspapers/magazines, internet, point of purchase media, out-of-home media, salespersons, SMS/MMS, logo brand name, sales promotion activities, and events (composite)
- Skepticism of ads
- Desirability of ads
- Identification with ads
Kinard & Webster (2010) United States n.a. Age 16.3 years 89 ID; IP - Seeing ads in broadcast and print media - Broadcast media: radio, TV, Internet - Past-month quantity - Positive association between seeing ads and outcome 6
- Print media: Magazines, newspapers, billboards, retail displays - No associations when other influences (e.g., peer influence) were included in the model
Lin et al. (2012) New Zealand n.a. Age 13–14 years 2,538 ID; IP - Awareness of marketing channels - Marketing channels: TV/ movies; large posters/ billboards; in-store signs/ posters; newspapers/ magazines; merchandise items; special price offers; celebrity endorsement; unusual product design; sport, music event, or TV sponsorship; emails; websites; screensavers; social networking sites (composite) - Past-year drinking status - Positive associations between marketing awareness, engagement with traditional marketing, and brand allegiance with past-year drinking status 7
- Engaging with traditional alcohol marketing - Traditional alcohol marketing: free branded gifts; price promotions; promotional mail/emails mentioning brands; clothing or other branded items (composite) - Past-year frequency - Positive association between brand allegiance and past-year frequency and typical quantity
- Brand allegiance - Typical quantity
McClure et al. (2013a) United States 2011 Age 15–20 years 2,012 ID; IP - Recalling ads - TV - Lifetime drinking status - Positive association between recalling ads and lifetime drinking status 7
- Liking ads - Lifetime HED status
- Identifying brands
McClure et al. (2013b) United States 2009 Age 15–20 years 1,734 ID; IP - Having favorite alcohol ad - Alcohol-branded merchandise - Past-month HED frequency - Positive association between owning alcohol-branded merchandise and outcome 8
- Owning alcohol-related merchandise - Movies
- Watching movies with alcohol-brand appearances
Mittmann et al. (2009) United States n.a. Age 21 years 1,126 ID; EV - Marketing and promotion awareness before 21st birthday - Ads or promotions related to 21st birthday - Quantity on 21st birthday - Positive association between participating in promotions and outcome 7
- Participating in promotions on 21st birthday
Morgenstern et al. (2011) Germany 2008 Age 10–17 years 3,415 ID; IP - Seeing specific ads; recalling brands for specific ads (combined measure) - TV - Lifetime drinking status - Positive associations 8
- Frequency of current drinking
- Lifetime HED frequency
Naimi et al. (2016) United States 2011–2012 Age 13–20 years 1,031 ID; IP; EV - Watching programs weighted by Gross Rating Points - TV - Quantity of past-month brand-specific consumption - Positive association between exposure to alcohol ads and outcome 8
- Low exposure: Ad exposure < 300 adstock units - In stratified analyses, associations were observed among females but not males and among 18- to 20-year-olds
- High exposure: Ad exposure ≥ 300 adstock units
O’Brien et al (2014). United Kingdom 2010–2012 Age 19.97 (1.78) years 1,658 ID; EV - Receiving sponsorship - Alcohol industry sponsorship for team, club, or individual player - Alcohol consumption - Positive associations between receiving sponsorship for team, club, team and club, and personal combinations with alcohol consumption 8
- Hazardous drinking - Positive association between receiving sponsorship for team and club and personal combinations with hazardous drinking
Paek & Hove (2012) United States 2001 Age 19.18 (7.6) years 5,472 ID; IP; EV - Participating in promotions - Price promotions - Composite drinking scale of lifetime HED frequency, past-2-week HED frequency, self-described drinking pattern, past-month frequency, past-month quantity - Positive association 8
Peltzer et al. (2016) Cambodia 2013 6th–12th grade Age 15.7 (1.8) years 3,806 ID; IP - Seeing ads n.a. - Past-month drinking status - Positive associations between seeing ads with past-month alcohol use status and lifetime drunkenness frequency 8
- Lifetime drunkenness status
- Lifetime problem-drinking status
Pinsky et al. (2007) Brazil 2006 Age 14–25 years 1,091 ID - Seeing or hearing ads - Unspecified media - Frequency (no time frame) - Positive associations 7
- Participating in promotions - Promotion venues: bars, restaurants, internet - Heavy drinking (no time frame)
Pinsky et al. (2010) Brazil 2005–2006 Age 14–25 years 1,091 ID - Seeing ads - Ads: billboards, magazines, newspapers, TV, radio, Internet (composite) - High vs. low intensity drinking - Positive association between seeing alcohol promotions and alcohol use 9
- Seeing or participating in promotions - Promotions: pubs, restaurants, Internet (composite)
- Seeing beer ads at POS - POS: pubs, bakeries, supermarkets, restaurants, music shows, sports events (composite)
Primack et al. (2014) United States 2010–2011 Age 15–23 years 2,541 ID; IP - Liking and owning music with alcohol branding - Music - Lifetime drinking status - Positive associations between liking and owning alcohol branded music and brand recall with lifetime drinking status and lifetime HED status 8
- Recalling brands - Lifetime HED status
- HED frequency
- Lifetime problem-drinking status
Ross et al (2014). United States 2011–2012 Age 13–20 years 1,031 ID; IP; EV - Seeing brand-specific ads - TV - Past-month brand-specific drinking status - Positive associations 8
- Past-month number of brands consumed
Ross et al (2014). United States 2011–2012 Age 13–20 years 1,031 ID; EV - Watching programs weighted by brand-specific Gross Rating Points - TV - Past-month brand-specific consumption - Positive associations 8
Saffer & Dave (2003) United States - Monitoring the Future (MTF) dataset: 1996–1998 - MTF: 8th, 10th, 12th grade - MTF ≈ 63,000 - MTF: ID - Local alcohol advertising (composite) - TV; radio; magazines; newspapers; outdoor advertising - Past-year drinking status In the full samples: 8
- National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY): 1997–1998 - NLSY: Age 12–16 years - NLSY ≈ 10,000 - NLSY: ID; IP - Local beer price - Past-month drinking status - Positive associations between alcohol ads and outcomes
- Past-2-week HED - Negative associations between alcohol price and outcomes
Subgroup analyses:
- No associations between alcohol ads and past-month drinking and between alcohol price and past-month drinking or past-2-week HED for African Americans
- No associations between alcohol ads and past-month drinking or past-2-week HED and between alcohol price and past-month drinking or past-2-week HED for males
Sanhueza et al. (2013) Chile 2007–2010 Age 11.9–17.8 years 909 ID - Seeing ads - TV; radio; billboards; magazines; newspapers (composite) - Lifetime problem-drinking status - Positive association 7
Siegel et al. (2016) United States 2011–2012 Age 13–20 years 1,031 EV - Gross Rating Points population-level youth exposure to brandspecific ads - TV - Past-month brand-specific consumption - Positive associations 8
- Magazines
Strickland (1982) United States 1980 7th, 9th, 11th grade 1,187 ID - Seeing ads - TV - Quantity–frequency index per day - No association 9
Swahn et al. (2011) Zambia 2004 Age 11–16 years 2,257 ID; EV - Seeing ads - Billboards - Lifetime drunkenness status - Positive associations between free samples from industry representatives and outcomes 9
- Being offered promotion - Free samples from industry representative - Lifetime problem-drinking status
Swahn et al. (2013) Philippines 2011 Age 11–16 years 5,290 ID; IP - Seeing brand names - Seeing alcohol brand names on TV - Lifetime drunkenness status - Positive associations between seeing public ads, seeing newspapers/magazines, and being provided free alcohol with outcome 8
- Seeing ads - Public ads (sports events, fairs, concerts)
- Participating in promotions - Billboards
- Owning alcohol-related merchandise - Newspapers/magazines
- Provided free alcohol
- Owning alcohol-related merchandise
Thomsen et al. (2004) United States 2002 Age 11–14 years 253 ID; IP - Attending alcohol-sponsored event - Alcohol industry event - Past-month drinking status - Positive association between attending alcohol industry event and outcome among females but not males 8
Unger et al. (2003) United States n.a. 8th, 10th grade 591 ID - Watching programs with ads (sports) - TV - Lifetime drinking status Adjusting for all exposure measures in the model: 9
- Seeing ads - Lifetime drunkenness status - Positive associations between media receptivity and outcomes
- Media receptivity - Past-month drinking status - Positive associations between recall of brand names with lifetime drunkenness and past-month alcohol use
- Recalling brands - Past-month drunkenness status - Positive associations between liking ads and outcomes
- Negative association between recalling brands and past-month drunkenness
- Liking ads
- Recalling ads
Vantamay (2009) Thailand 2008 Age 18–24 years 1,200 ID; IP; EV - Seeing ads n.a. - Past-year frequency - Positive association 8
Wyllie et al. (1998) New Zealand 1993 Age 10–17 years 447 ID; IP - Liking ads - TV - Frequency of current drinking - No association 9

Notes: Key findings column highlights significant findings only when there are multiple exposures and outcomes. In the control variable column, ID = individual level; IP = interpersonal level; EV = environmental level controls. n.a. = not available; HED = heavy episodic drinking; POS = point of sale; SMS = short message service; MMS = multimedia messaging service. Bolded text in the marketing exposure column represent objective measures of exposure (compared with nonbolded perceived measures). Quality-assessment scores ranged from 5 to 10.