Fig. 1.
Representative sections of proximal tibial growth plates of control (C; a) and rapamycin-treated (RAPA; b) rats. The mean distance between the metaphyseal end of the growth plate and the fluorescent calcein front indicates longitudinal bone growth rate during the last 3 days of the study. Magnification bars: 100 μm
Fig. 2. Representative sections of proximal tibial growth plates of control (C; a) and rapamycin-treated (RAPA; b–e) animals stained with alcian blue/safranine. Details of proliferative zone of RAPA proximal tibial growth plates (c), hypertrophic zone of RAPA proximal tibial growth plates (d), and metaphyseal front of RAPA proximal tibial growth plates (e). Magnification bars: 100 μm
Fig. 3. Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction in the proximal tibial growth plate of control (C; a) and rapamycin-treated (RAPA; b) animals. Cytoplasmic glycogen deposits in control rats are shown at greater augmentation. Magnification bars: 100 μm
Fig. 4. Von-Kossa staining showing matrix mineralization of proximal tibial growth plates of control (C; a) and rapamycin-treated (RAPA; b) animals. Magnification bars 100 μm