Figure 3: MCT4 Expression is Important for Maintenance of NP Cell Phenotype and Extracellular Matrix Composition.
Representative immunostaining showing expression of important proteins in the intervertebral disc in 14 mo WT and MCT4 KO mice. A, A’) NP phenotypic marker- KRT19 (Scale bar= 100 μm). B, B’) Matrix catabolic enzyme- MMP13 (Scale bar= 100 μm). C-E"') Extracellular matrix molecules: C-C’’’) ARGxx, (D-D’’’) Collagen II, and (E-E’’’) Collagen X imaged at 10X and 20X (Left scale bars= 200 μm; Right scale bars= 50 μm). F-G’’’) pH regulatory enzymes: F-F"') LDHA and (G-G’’’) CA9 imaged at 10X and 20X (Left scale bars= 200 μm; Right scale bars= 50 μm). Dotted lines were drawn to demarcate different tissue compartments within the disc. All staining was performed using at least 3 animals/genotype corresponding to Grade 2.