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. 2020 Mar 10;11:1175. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15029-x

Table 1.

Details and hypotheses of the 12 modelling experiments designed to substantiate the empirical relationship observed in Fig. 1.

Model name Model type Parameter varied (experiment num.) Parameter range Repeats per parameter value Number of runs (n) Hypothesis
Wolf-Sheep Predation (WSP) Agent-based (1.1) Model total area

World height: [0–100]

World width: [0–100].

100 260,100 Larger system areas should exhibit longer shift durations
(1.2) Module size (divide constant 100 × 100 area into sub-worlds) [2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100]a 100 60,600 More modular systems should exhibit longer shift durations
(1.3) Maximum distance wolves and sheep can move per time step [1–100 cells] 100 10,000 More fluid systems should exhibit shorter shift durations
Game of Life (GoL) Cellular automata (2.1) Model total area

World height: [0–100]

World width: [0–100].

100 260,100 Larger system areas should exhibit longer shift durations
(2.2) Module size (divide constant 100 ×100 area into discrete sub-worlds) [2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] 100 600 More modular systems should exhibit longer shift durations
(2.3) Number of neighbouring cells any one cell can interact with 4 or 8 100 200 More fluid systems should exhibit shorter shift durations
Language Change (LC) Network-structured (3.1) Number of network nodes [3–1000] 100 99,800 Networks with more nodes should exhibit longer shifts
(3.2) Number of inter-nodal connections [99–4500] 100 440,200 Networks with more connections should exhibit longer shifts
(3.3) Standard deviation of connections measured from experiment 3.2. [99–4500] 100 440,200 Networks with more homogenous connections should exhibit longer shifts
Lake Chilika (CHL) System dynamics model (4) Model total area [500–10,000 km2] 5000 areas randomly sampled between limits 5000 Larger system areas should exhibit longer shift durations
Spatial Heterogeneity (SH) Ordinary differential equation (5.1) Carrying capacity for phytoplankton (i.e. model size) [1–100] 1 (model does not have stochasticity) 101 Large systems should exhibit longer shift durations
(5.2) Fraction of volume exchanged between model parts (i.e. diffusion of stress) [1–100] 1 (model does not have stochasticity) 101 More fluid systems should exhibit shorter shift durations

aThe grass regrowth rate in experiment WSP-1.2 was also varied 1–100 and statistically controlled for in our regression models (see Methods).

See Methods and Supplementary Notes 35 for additional and replicable details on the structure, parameterisation and code of the models.