Figure 3.
The IL-1 signaling pathway is transcriptionally suppressed in mDC from treatment-naïve PLWH. (A) Heatmap and (B) network illustrating key IL-1 pathway genes and their modulators. (A,B) IL-1α and its receptors are transcriptionally suppressed in mDCs from TN PLWH compared to ARV-treated or HIV-uninfected persons. (B,C) Negative regulators of IL-1 signaling, including hemoxygenase (HMOX-1) and CD14, components of the IL-10 pathway, are (B) upregulated in mDCs from TN PLWH. (C) In mDCs from ARV-treated PLWH, levels of suppressors of IL-1 signaling are not completely restored to levels of mDCs from HIV-uninfected persons. (B,C) Shown is the ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) pathway, showing both IL-1- and IL-10-associated genes. Numbers below each gene node indicate p value and below that (log2) fold change of that gene's expression relative to HIV-uninfected levels.