Figure 5.
mDCs from TN PLWH have transcriptional alterations not restored in mDCs from ARV-treated PLWH to HIV-uninfected levels. This scatterplot compares mDC gene expression from TN or ARV-treated PLWH relative to HIV-uninfected persons expressed as (log2) fold changes. There are far more genes with high fold changes in the TN than in the ARV group, indicating that mDCs from ARV-treated PLWH is closer to the HIV-uninfected group. There are genes “maintained,” i.e., HIV-elicited genes that are unaffected by the therapy (AOAH, MAFB, CD14, all those close to the identity line or “common” genes) and genes whose differential expression is strongly suppressed by the therapy (all those close to the x-axis and, therefore, unique to TN PLWH), and those that are an effect of the therapy alone (close to the y-axis and unique to ARV). A gene like IFITM1 is reversed by therapy as it lies close to the y = –x line.