FIG 7.
Effect of BRD7929 on parasite replication and formation of the feeder organelle. (A) IFA images of DMSO- or BRD7929-treated parasites from HCT-8 cultures infected with excysted sporozoites fixed and labeled at 12 hpi with anti-Cp (red) and monoclonal antibody 1B5 (green), which localizes to the host-parasite interface. The stages of individual parasites are indicated with “M” for type I meronts or “T” for trophozoites. Scale bars = 5 μm. (B) Three-dimensional renderings from confocal z-stacks of DMSO- or BRD7929-treated parasites from HCT-8 cultures infected with excysted sporozoites fixed and labeled at 8 hpi with 1B5 and rabbit polyclonal anti-Cp (red). Images represent four parasites per treatment group from the same experiment. Scale bars = 1 μm. (C) Transmission electron micrographs of DMSO- or BRD7929-treated parasites at 12 hpi. Bottom images are enlarged sections of the top images with the feeder organelles outlined and false-colored red. Scale bars = 500 nm. (D) Area in μm2 of the feeder organelles of trophozoites from images from the same experiment as panel C. n = 10 trophozoites for DMSO and n = 11 trophozoites for BRD7929. Data were analyzed using an unpaired, two-tailed Student t test (**, P < 0.01).