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. 2020 Mar 3;11(2):e03046-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.03046-19


Surface plasmon resonance analysis of carbohydrates similar to the pilin disaccharidea

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To determine the galactose specificity of the interaction between the I-domain and the gonococcal pilin-linked disaccharide, SPR was performed using carbohydrates with terminal α- or β-galactose in various linkages. Results shown are the means ± standard errors from three replicate experiments (N/T; not tested). These data showed that the human I-domain can form a high-affinity interaction with various terminal galactose structures. The G2 peptide is a biotin-Ahx-labeled peptide (Ahx is a six-carbon spacer). Sucrose was used as a negative control and showed no concentration-dependent interaction (NCDI; no interaction at any concentration between 0.0078 μM and 2 μM).