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. 2009 Jan 21;2009(1):CD000059. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000059.pub2

Lieberman 2003 (CPZ).

Methods Allocation: randomised. 
 Blindness: double. 
 Duration: 52 weeks. 
 Setting: not stated.
Participants Diagnosis: people with schizophrenia (DSM IV). 
 Age= 28.6 years. 
 Sex: 77 F, 83 M. 
 Setting: inpatients. 
 History: naive first episode patients.
Interventions 1. Clozapine + BZ placebo: dose mean 292 mg/day, max 400 mg/day. N=80. 
 2. Chlorpromazine + BZ: dose mean 319 mg/day, max 600 mg/day; 2 mg/bid (BZ). N=80.
Outcomes Leaving the study early.
Unable to use ‐ 
 Remission 52 weeks. 
 Mental state: BPRS, SANS (no usable data). 
 Global state: CGI, GAF (no usable data). 
 Adverse effects: COSTART, SAESS (no usable data). 
 Physiological measurements: ECG, WBC, serum glucose (no usable data).
Notes 164 patients were randomised. Four of them withdrew before the first administration of medication, thus they report as randomised 160 patients.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation? Unclear risk Randomised ‐ no details
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk No details
 All outcomes Unclear risk Double blind, untested
Incomplete outcome data addressed? 
 All outcomes Low risk Numbers reported but reasons for attrition not described
Free of selective reporting? Unclear risk No details
Free of other bias? High risk Funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals