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. 2019 Oct 8;4(2):pkz079. doi: 10.1093/jncics/pkz079

Table 1.

Clinical and other characteristics and AHO in TCS by type of management

Treatment regimen
All patients Surgery BEPx3 BEPx4 Other chemotherapy*
Characteristic n = 479 n = 98 n = 235 n = 82 n = 64 P
Clinical characteristic
Age at diagnosis, y
 Median [range] 31.0 [10.0, 56.2] 33.9 [15.4, 56.2] 30.0 [10.0, 53.0] 27.0 [16.0, 49.0] 31.5 [13.0, 55.0] .0092
Age at clinical evaluation, y
 Median [range] 38.3 [18.3, 74.5] 39.0 [20.2, 62.3] 38.4 [18.3, 74.5] 36.3 [20.1, 71.3] 40.6 [20.8, 71.1] .2468
 Category .3384
  <20 3 (0.6%) 0 3 (1.3%) 0 0
  20–29 101 (21.1%) 20 (20.4%) 47 (20.0%) 21 (25.6%) 13 (20.3%)
  30–39 169 (35.3%) 35 (35.7%) 84 (35.7%) 32 (39.0%) 18 (28.1%)
  40–49 135 (28.2%) 30 (30.6%) 65 (27.7%) 23 (28.0%) 17 (26.6%)
  50+ 71 (14.8%) 13 (13.3%) 36 (15.3%) 6 (7.3%) 16 (25.0%)
Histologic type§ <.0001
 Seminoma 127 (27.0%) 55 (56.7%) 52 (22.4%) 6 (7.4%) 14 (23.0%)
 Nonseminoma 344 (73.0%) 42 (43.3%) 180 (77.6%) 75 (92.6%) 47 (77.0%)
Site‖ <.0001
 Testis 397 (84.1%) 98 (100.0%) 205 (88.4%) 55 (67.9%) 39 (63.9%)
 Extragonadal 75 (15.9%) 0 27 (11.6%) 26 (32.1%) 22 (36.1%)
Cisplatin-based chemotherapy <.0001
 BEP 329 (68.7%) 0 235 (100.0%) 82 (100.0%) 12 (18.8%)
 EP# 20 (4.2%) 0 0 0 20 (31.3%)
 None 98 (20.5%) 98 (100.0%) 0 0 0
 Other** 32 (6.7%) 0 0 0 32 (50.0%)
Cumulative dose of cisplatin, mg/m2
 Median [range] 300 [0, 700] 0 [0, 0] 300 [276, 334] 400 [370, 414] 400 [198, 700] <.0001
 Category <.0001
  0 98 (20.5%) 98 (100.0%) 0 0 0
  <300 25 (5.2%) 0 16 (6.8%) 0 9 (14.1%)
  300 216 (45.1%) 0 212 (90.2%) 0 4 (6.3%)
  301–399 28 (5.8%) 0 7 (3.0%) 13 (15.9%) 8 (12.5%)
  400 95 (19.8%) 0 0 62 (75.6%) 33 (51.6%)
  >400 17 (3.5%) 0 0 7 (8.5%) 10 (15.6%)
Cumulative dose of bleomycin, IU
 Median [range] 270 000 [0.0, 630 000] 0.0 [0.0, 0.0] 270 000 [90 000, 270 000] 360 000 [0.0, 360 000] 0.0 [0.0, 630 000] <.0001
Category <.0001
  0 143 (29.9%) 98 (100.0%) 0 2 (2.4%) 43 (67.2%)
  >0–180 000 27 (5.6%) 0 8 (3.4%) 8 (9.8%) 11 (17.2%)
  181 000–270 000 254 (53.0%) 0 227 (96.6%) 22 (26.8%) 5 (7.8%)
  271 000–360 000 52 (10.9%) 0 0 50 (61.0%) 2 (3.1%)
  360 000+ 3 (0.6%) 0 0 0 3 (4.7%)
Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection†† <.0001
 No 303 (64.3%) 80 (81.6%) 157 (68.6%) 30 (37.0%) 36 (57.1%)
 Yes 168 (35.7%) 18 (18.4%) 72 (31.4%) 51 (63.0%) 27 (42.9%)
Time from chemotherapy/surgery to clinical evaluation, y
 Median [range] 4.1 [1.0, 34.9] 3.8 [1.0, 30.7] 4.3 [1.0, 25.5] 4.5 [1.0, 34.9] 3.8 [1.0, 25.1] .7518
 Category .0081
  <2 149 (31.1%) 24 (24.5%) 79 (33.6%) 23 (28.0%) 23 (35.9%)
  2–5 136 (28.4%) 44 (44.9%) 55 (23.4%) 23 (28.0%) 14 (21.9%)
  6–9 70 (14.6%) 15 (15.3%) 36 (15.3%) 13 (15.9%) 6 (9.4%)
  ≥10 124 (25.9%) 15 (15.3%) 65 (27.7%) 23 (28.0%) 21 (32.8%)
Sociodemographic characteristic
 Race .1817
  White 453 (95.0%) 94 (95.9%) 225 (96.2%) 73 (90.1%) 61 (95.3%)
  Non-white 24 (5.0%) 4 (4.1%) 9 (3.8%) 8 (9.9%) 3 (4.7%)
 Marital status†† .4641
  Not married 163 (34.2%) 32 (32.7%) 78 (33.3%) 34 (41.5%) 19 (30.2%)
  Married/living as married 314 (65.8%) 66 (67.3%) 156 (66.7%) 48 (58.5%) 44 (69.8%)
 Education§§ .2391
  High school or less 85 (17.8%) 15 (15.3%) 35 (15.0%) 17 (20.7%) 18 (28.1%)
  Some college/college graduate 296 (62.1%) 62 (63.3%) 146 (62.7%) 51 (62.2%) 37 (57.8%)
  Post-graduate level/other 96 (20.1%) 21 (21.4%) 52 (22.3%) 14 (17.1%) 9 (14.1%)
 Noise exposure‖‖ .0073
  None 236 (49.9%) 60 (61.2%) 119 (51.1%) 30 (37.5%) 27 (43.5%)
  Work-related only 111 (23.5%) 22 (22.4%) 60 (25.8%) 17 (21.3%) 12 (19.4%)
  Non-work related only 41 (8.7%) 3 (3.1%) 21 (9.0%) 10 (12.5%) 7 (11.3%)
  Both 85 (18.0%) 13 (13.3%) 33 (14.2%) 23 (28.8%) 16 (25.8%)
Physical examination results
Body mass index, kg/m2¶¶
 Median [range] 28.3 [18.0, 66.6] 28.0 [18.0, 54.3] 28.2 [19.0, 66.6] 28.2 [20.5, 46.1] 29.2 [20.0, 42.0] .6641
 Category .5166
  <25 (normal) 105 (22.2%) 24 (25.3%) 54 (23.2%) 16 (19.8%) 11 (17.2%)
  25≤30 (overweight) 194 (41.0%) 40 (42.1%) 95 (40.8%) 33 (40.7%) 26 (40.6%)
  30≤40 (obese) 148 (31.3%) 28 (29.5%) 66 (28.3%) 29 (35.8%) 25 (39.1%)
  ≥40 (morbidly obese) 26 (5.5%) 3 (3.2%) 18 (7.7%) 3 (3.7%) 2 (3.1%)
Health behavior
Smoking status## .0938
 Never smoker 284 (59.4%) 60 (61.2%) 150 (64.1%) 45 (54.9%) 29 (45.3%)
 Former smoker 147 (30.8%) 31 (31.6%) 59 (25.2%) 30 (36.6%) 27 (42.2%)
 Current smoker 47 (9.8%) 7 (7.1%) 25 (10.7%) 7 (8.5%) 8 (12.5%)
Average number of alcoholic drinks in past year*** .3286
 Rarely/never 147 (30.8%) 30 (30.6%) 68 (29.1%) 29 (35.4%) 20 (31.3%)
 ≤4/wk 182 (38.1%) 46 (46.9%) 90 (38.5%) 23 (28.0%) 23 (35.9%)
 5/wk–1/d 92 (19.2%) 16 (16.3%) 44 (18.8%) 20 (24.4%) 12 (18.8%)
 ≥2/d 57 (11.9%) 6 (6.1%) 32 (13.7%) 10 (12.2%) 9 (14.1%)
Moderate-intensity exercise††† .0759
 Yes 450 (94.5%) 95 (97.9%) 221 (94.0%) 79 (96.3%) 55 (88.7%)
 No 26 (5.5%) 2 (2.1%) 14 (6.0%) 3 (3.7%) 7 (11.3%)
Vigorous-intensity exercise‡‡‡ .0664
 Yes 313 (65.8%) 69 (71.1%) 159 (67.7%) 53 (64.6%) 32 (51.6%)
 No 163 (34.2%) 28 (28.9%) 76 (32.3%) 29 (35.4%) 30 (48.4%)
 Total number of AHO
 Median [range] 2.0 [0.0, 11.0] 1.0 [0.0, 11.0] 2.0 [0.0, 10.0] 3.0 [0.0, 9.0] 3.0 [0.0, 9.0] <.0001
 Category <.0001
  0 82 (17.1%) 33 (33.7%) 41 (17.4%) 5 (6.1%) 3 (4.7%)
  1 115 (24.0%) 39 (39.8%) 47 (20.0%) 20 (24.4%) 9 (14.1%)
  2 96 (20.0%) 14 (14.3%) 51 (21.7%) 14 (17.1%) 17 (26.6%)
  3 66 (13.8%) 7 (7.1%) 32 (13.6%) 15 (18.3%) 12 (18.8%)
  4 43 (9.0%) 2 (2.0%) 25 (10.6%) 10 (12.2%) 6 (9.4%)
  5 or more 77 (16.1%) 3 (3.1%) 39 (16.6%) 18 (22.0%) 17 (26.6%)
Type of AHO
 Tinnitus§§§ <.0001
  Yes 176 (36.8%) 16 (16.3%) 92 (39.3%) 36 (43.9%) 32 (50.0%)
  No 302 (63.2%) 82 (83.7%) 142 (60.7%) 46 (56.1%) 32 (50.0%)
 Hearing impairment‖‖‖ <.0001
  Yes 152 (33.2%) 11 (11.5%) 80 (36.0%) 33 (41.8%) 28 (45.9%)
  No 306 (66.8%) 85 (88.5%) 142 (64.0%) 46 (58.2%) 33 (54.1%)
 Peripheral neuropathy¶¶¶ <.0001
  Yes 126 (26.5%) 4 (4.1%) 65 (27.8%) 27 (33.8%) 30 (46.9%)
  No 349 (73.5%) 93 (95.9%) 169 (72.2%) 53 (66.3%) 34 (53.1%)
 Ototoxicity and peripheral neuropathy <.0001
  Yes 80 (16.7%) 1 (1.0%) 41 (17.4%) 16 (19.5%) 22 (34.4%)
  No 399 (83.3%) 97 (99.0%) 194 (82.6%) 66 (80.5%) 42 (65.6%)
 Raynaud phenomenon### <.0001
  Yes 86 (18.2%) 2 (2.0%) 47 (20.3%) 24 (29.6%) 13 (20.6%)
  No 387 (81.8%) 96 (98.0%) 184 (79.7%) 57 (70.4%) 50 (79.4%)
 Hypogonadism with testosterone therapy**** .3004
  Yes 52 (10.9%) 8 (8.2%) 28 (12.0%) 6 (7.4%) 10 (15.9%)
  No 423 (89.1%) 90 (91.8%) 205 (88.0%) 75 (92.6%) 53 (84.1%)
 Erectile dysfunction†††† .0548
  Yes 67 (14.0%) 8 (8.2%) 30 (12.8%) 15 (18.5%) 14 (21.9%)
  No 410 (86.0%) 89 (91.8%) 205 (87.2%) 66 (81.5%) 50 (78.1%)
 Hypertension and on prescription medication‡‡‡‡ .0007
  Yes 57 (12.2%) 0 36 (15.7%) 12 (15.0%) 9 (15.0%)
  No 410 (87.8%) 97 (100.0%) 194 (84.3%) 68 (85.0%) 51 (85.0%)
 Hypercholesterolemia and on prescription medication§§§§ .7902
  Yes 58 (12.2%) 14 (14.3%) 25 (10.8%) 10 (12.2%) 9 (14.1%)
  No 418 (87.8%) 84 (85.7%) 207 (89.2%) 72 (87.8%) 55 (85.9%)
 CVD ‖‖‖‖ .0648
  Yes 27 (5.7%) 1 (1.0%) 13 (5.6%) 8 (9.9%) 5 (7.9%)
  No 448 (94.3%) 97 (99.0%) 220 (94.4%) 73 (90.1%) 58 (92.1%)
 Peripheral vascular disease¶¶¶¶ .1063
  Yes 19 (4.0%) 1 (1.0%) 8 (3.4%) 5 (6.2%) 5 (8.1%)
  No 455 (96.0%) 97 (99.0%) 225 (96.6%) 76 (93.8%) 57 (91.9%)
 Thromboembolic disease####
  Yes 0 0 0 0 0
  No 474 (100.0%) 98 (100.0%) 233 (100.0%) 81 (100.0%) 62 (100.0%)
 Renal disease***** .1983
  Yes 6 (1.3%) 0 4 (1.7%) 0 2 (3.3%)
  No 462 (98.7%) 97 (100.0%) 227 (98.3%) 80 (100.0%) 58 (96.7%)
 Diabetes and on prescription medication††††† .4671
  Yes 14 (3.0%) 5 (5.1%) 6 (2.6%) 1 (1.2%) 2 (3.2%)
  No 460 (97.0%) 93 (94.9%) 227 (97.4%) 80 (98.8%) 60 (96.8%)
 Thyroid disease††††† .6403
  Yes 5 (1.1%) 2 (2.0%) 2 (0.9%) 1 (1.2%) 0
  No 469 (98.9%) 96 (98.0%) 231 (99.1%) 80 (98.8%) 62 (100.0%)
 Problems with balance/vertigo/dizziness‡‡‡‡‡ .0483
  Yes 55 (11.8%) 6 (6.1%) 25 (11.0%) 15 (19.5%) 9 (14.3%)
  No 410 (88.2%) 92 (93.9%) 202 (89.0%) 62 (80.5%) 54 (85.7%)
 Psychotropic prescription medication for anxiety and/or depression§§§§§ .1420
  Yes 58 (12.1%) 9 (9.2%) 25 (10.6%) 11 (13.4%) 13 (20.3%)
  No 421 (87.9%) 89 (90.8%) 210 (89.4%) 71 (86.6%) 51 (79.7%)

Patients in this category received BEP chemotherapy other than three or four cycles (n = 12), EP chemotherapy (n = 20), and other cisplatin-based regimens (n = 32). AHO = adverse health outcome; BEPx3 = three cycles of bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin; BEPx4 = four cycles of bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin; CVD = cardiovascular disease; EPx4 = four cycles of etoposide and cisplatin; TCS = testicular cancer survivors; VeIP = vinblastine, ifosfamide, cisplatin; VIP = etoposide, cisplatin, ifosfamide.

P value comparisons are based on χ2 test for categorical variables and Kruskal-Wallis test (normal approximation) for continuous variables. Missing values were not used in the calculation of the P values.


Includes eight participants with not-otherwise-specified germ cell tumor or unknown histology.

Includes seven patients with primary site not stated.

The standard BEP chemotherapy cycle that all our patients received consists of bleomycin 30 000 IU days 1, 8, 15; etoposide 100 mg/m2 days 1 through 5; and cisplatin 20 mg/m2 days 1 through 5. Includes 12 patients who received BEP other than three or four cycles.


The standard dosing and standard EP schedule that all of our patients consists of etoposide 100 mg/m2 days 1 through 5 and cisplatin 20 mg/m2 days 1 through 5.


Includes 32 patients with other cisplatin-based regimens: 11 participants with VIP and 1 with VeIP. Each standard VIP chemotherapy cycle that our patients received consists of etoposide 75 mg/m2 days 1 through 5, cisplatin 100 mg/m2 days 1through 5, and ifosfamide 1200 mg/m2 days 1 through 5.


Includes eight patients for whom retroperitoneal lymph node dissection status was not available.


Includes two participants with marital status not available.


Includes two patients for whom education level was not available.


Noise exposure data were not available for six patients.


Includes six patients with body mass index information not available.


Reported health behavior was not available for one patient.


Reported health behavior was not available for one patient.


Reported health behavior was not available for three patients.


Reported health behavior was not available for three patients.


Category includes one patient for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes 21 patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes four patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes six patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes four patients who received bilateral orchiectomy that were not included in the comparison of hypogonadism, but were included elsewhere if the data was available.


Category includes two patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes 12 patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes three patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes four patients for whom this outcome was not available. Includes coronary artery disease, heart failure, and cerebrovascular disease (categories not mutually exclusive and each category was counted as one AHO).


Category includes five patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes five patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes 11 patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes five patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes five patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Category includes 14 patients for whom this outcome was not available.


Participants could report more than one psychotropic medication.