Figure 3.
(A) 2D feature space for a toy perceptual decision problem involving classifying two possible stimuli (e.g. left- and right-tilted Gabors). Each Gaussian indicates the likelihood of observing a pair of features (e.g. orientation) given each stimulus class (where or and Σ is the identity matrix). The right-tilted stimuli occupy the right-hand side of the grid; left-tilted stimuli occupy the left-hand side of the grid. The absence of stimulation is represented by a distribution in which activation of each feature is low towards the origin. In 2D SDT, there are three stimulus classes organized in a flat (non-hierarchical) structure. (B) The same 2D feature space from (A), modified to make explicit the hierarchical aspect of the HOSS model. A higher-order awareness state (a1) nests perceptual states w1 and w2.