Table V:
Miss Interval too Low |
Miss Interval too High |
Robust CI | 146(76) | 133(.69) |
Typical CI | 163(.85) | 159(.83) |
Typical CI Correct by | 53(.28) | 44(.21) |
Standard DEA Bootstrap standard CI | 159(.83) | 100(.52) |
Univariate DEA WGS Bootstrap standard CI | 130(.68) | 99(.52) |
Standard DEB .5 Bootstrap standard CI | 40(.21) | 11(.06) |
using this method we would expect each CI method to have approximately nine or ten (0.05 × 192) cases in which the method was found to have too many misses due to chance [i.e., the expected value of each cell under perfect conditions is 9.6 (0.05)].