The transduction efficiency of PRDX6 after transfecting SiHa cells for 48h. (A) Image of SiHa cells at normal light (× 100). (B) Image of SiHa cells infected with Lentiviruses vector pLVX-IRES-ZsGreen 1 at fluorescent. (C and D) The expression level of PRDX6 protein in SiHa cells transduced with PRDX6 overexpression vector. (E and F) PRDX6 protein expression in SiHa cells transfected with PRDX6 shRNA. Additionally, the names as control or WT, vector, PRDX6, Sh-Ctrl and Sh-PRDX6 represent blank control, an empty vector control of PRDX6 overexpression, overexpression of PRDX6, an empty vector control of PRDX6 knockdown and PRDX6 knockdown group, respectively. Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation from triplicated experiments. **P < 0.01.