Figure 4.
Genetic Deletion of Glut1 Inhibits AT2 Cell Proliferation
(A) CFEs of AT2 cells isolated from Atg5f/f or SftpcCreER;Glut1f/f mice at steady state (n = 5).
(B) Colony sizes of organoid cultures of AT2 cells isolated from Atg5f/f or SftpcCreER;Glut1f/f mice (n = 5).
(C) Sftpc mRNA expression in organoid cultures (n = 5).
(D) T1α and Aqp5 mRNA expression in organoid cultures (n = 5).
(E and F) Representative charts of flow cytometric analysis (E) and summarized abundance (F) of AT2 cells in SftpcCreER;Glut1f/f mice after BLM treatment relative to littermate controls (n = 5).
(G) CFEs of AT2 cells isolated from Atg5f/f or SftpcCreER;Glut1f/f mice after BLM treatment (n = 5).
(H) Immunostaining of organoid cultures and quantification of Ki67+pro-SPC+ cells as a proportion of total pro-SPC+ cells in organoid cultures from Atg5f/f or SftpcCreER;Glut1f/f mice after BLM treatment (n = 5). Data are representative of three independent experiments with error bars representing the mean ± SD. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01.