Pattern of immunolabeling by olfactory marker protein (OMP) and β-tubulin III (TUJ-1) in cell obtained by olfactory brushing. Sample harvested by olfactory brushing and analyzed following centrifugation. Double immunostaining with OMP (green) and TUJ-1 (red). Several cells with different morphology showed a cytosolic positivity to OMP. Most of round cells and non-neural-shaped cells show an intense positivity in the cytoplasm, while olfactory neurons show a faint granular pattern. In contrast, TUJ-1 stains mainly the neural processes, in particular, the axonal hillock of cells, identified as olfactory neurons [outlined square in (A) details in (B)]. Weak cytosolic positivity is also observed in the apical portion of supporting-like cells. Scale bar (A): 20 μm. Scale bar (B): 10 μm.