Figure 4.
The effect of multiple stressors on the anxiety and depressive behaviors in adolescent mice. (a) The time spent in the central area in OFT tested in P41 adolescent mice of both sexes. RS significantly increases the time spent in the central area. (b) Same as (a) but separated by sex. RS significantly increases the time in males. (c) The percent time spent in open arms in EPM tested in adolescent mice of both sexes aged P42. No difference is seen among the four subgroups. (d) Same as (c) but separated by sex. No difference is seen among all subgroups in either males or females. (e) The percentage of immobility in FSTperformed in adolescent mice of both sexes on P51. All stressors significantly increase the percentage of immobility. (f) Same as (e) but separated by sex. In males, all stressors increase the percentage of immobility; in females, only MS increases it. Stars indicate the significance of the difference (*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001, ****p < .0001)