Figure 12.
Magnetic field B x component at 09:15 UT color coded on a spherical slice through the simulation at the radial distance of 6.4 R E. The view is from a vantage point on the solar magnetic x axis down the tail looking toward Earth; that is, dusk is to the left and dawn is to the right. The spacecraft are shown with small spherical glyphs color coded the same way as in Figures 3, 4, 5: MMS‐1 (red), GOES‐15 (green), GOES‐14 (orange), and GOES‐13 (blue). The white contours indicate |B x|=20, 40, and 60 nT, in the order of increasing distance from the magnetic equator. The vertical cyan bar indicates the 0.4‐R E scale, that is, the shift used for GOES‐14 and GOES‐15 satellites in Figure 11 (see text for details).