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. 2020 Mar 11;20:5. doi: 10.1186/s12914-020-00225-z

Table 2.

Research summary of the included publications

Author/year of study Country Study Type & Sample Aim of Study Main Themes Quality Score**
Fertility Desire Contraceptive Use Perinatal Experience Safer Sex Sexual Life
Adam et al., 2016 [39] Sudan Quantitative (descriptive study) / 26 WLHIV* To investigate the maternal characteristics, pregnancy outcomes and estimate of maternal to child transmission of HIV among HIV infected women. x x 25%
Anwar et al., 2010 [40] Bangladesh Sequential mixed method / 15 PLHIV* (Qualitative); 38 WLHIV & 76 MLHIV1 (Quantitative) To explore sexual life of people with HIV/AIDS in Bangladesh x x x x 75%
Behboodi-Moghadam et al., 2015 [41] Iran Qualitative (content analysis) / 15 WLHIV To explore fertility intentions and experiences of infected women with HIV x x x 75%
Behboodi-Moghadam et al., 2016 [42] Iran Qualitative (content analysis) / 12 pregnant WLHIV To explore the experience of pregnancy among Iranian women with HIV x x 75%
Davis et al., 2017 [43] Kazakhstan Quantitative (cross-sectional study) / 242 WLHIV To determine the extent which HIV-positive women are trading sex and to identify risk factors that may drive participation in sex trading among this population x 75%
El Fane et al., 2011 [44] Morocco Quantitative (descriptive study)/72 WLHIV & 62 MLHIV To identify sexual disorders affecting PLWHA and to determine factors influencing their sexuality x x 50%
Jiwatram-Negron et al., 2017 [45] Kazakhstan Quantitative (cross-sectional survey) / 249 WLHIV To explore whether similar or different patterns of risk and protective factors emerge x 75%
Kaplan et al., 2016 [46] Lebanon Qualitative (constant comparative) / 10 WLHIV To develop a framework that facilitates understanding of the process by which women created meaning in their lives during and after learning of their sero-positivity. x 75%
Karaosmanoglu et al., 2011 [47] Turkey Quantitative (descriptive study)/27 WLHIV & 109 MLHIV To determine the epidemiologic and clinical features of patient with HIV infections and AIDS followed during a 3.5-year period. x 50%
Mohammadi et al., 2015 [48] Iran Qualitative (content analysis)/10 WLHIV To explore the lived experience of domestic violence in Iranian HIV-infected women x 75%
Nedjat et al., 2015 [49] Iran Mixed method descriptive sudy / 25 WLHIV & 20 MLHIV (Qualitative); 160 WLHIV & 240 MLHIV To evaluate the sexual and reproductive health needs of PLHIV in Tehran x x x x x 100%
Rahmalia et al., 2015 [50] Indonesia Quantitative (prospective cohort) / 881 WLHIV & 1781 MLHIV To determine the relative proportion of female patients in an HIV cohort and characterized their probable transmission route and reproductive profile. x x 75%
Saeieh et al., 2016 [51] Iran Qualitative (content analysis) / 18 WLHIV To explore experience s of HIV positive women about contraceptive use x x x x 75%

*WLHIV Women living with HIV, PLHIV People living with HIV, MLHIV Men living with HIV

**Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool version 2011 [30]. The score is 25% when QUAL = 1 or QUAN = 1 or MM = 0; it is 50% when QUAL = 2 or QUAN = 2 or MM = 1; it is 75% when QUAL = 3 or QUAN = 3 or MM = 2; and it is 100% when QUAL = 4 and QUAN = 4 and MM = 3 (QUAL being the score of the qualitative component; QUAN the score of the quantitative component; and MM the score of the mixed methods component