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. 2020 Mar 12;78:9. doi: 10.1186/s13690-020-0396-3

Table 1.

Prevalence of health-related determinants

Variables Total N (%) Skip breakfast a n (%) Low vegetable and fruit consumption a n (%) High sweets consumption b n (%)
  14–16 years 144(58.1) 62(43.1) 136(94.4) 43(30.3)
  17–20 years 104(41.9) 51(49) 90(85.6) 30(29.1)
  Male 170(68.5) 79(46.5) 158(92.9) 34(20.2)
  Female 78(31.5) 34(43.6) 68(87.2) 39(50.6)
 Mother education level
  Basic education 53(23.1) 23(43.4) 47(88.7) 16(30.2)
  High school/College 176(76.9) 82(46.6) 163(92.6) 49(28.3)
 Have a part time job
  No 219(88.7) 98(44.7) 199(90.9) 67(31)
  Yes 28(11.3) 14(50) 26(92.9) 6(21.4)
 Body mass index
  Normal 180(73.5) 82(45.6) 162(90) 55(30.6)
  Overweight 65(26.5) 30(46.2) 61(93.8) 18(29)
Body weight control
 Vomiting or using laxatives to lose weight
  No 220(95.2) 99(45) 199(90.5) 65(30)
  Yes 11(4.8) 7(63.6) 10(90.9) 6(54.4)
 Using pills to lose weight
  No 227(96.6) 105(46.3) 205(90.3) 70(31.2)
  Yes 8(3.4) 3(37.5) 8(100) 2(25)
 Using pills to improve muscle mass
  No 217(92.3) 100(46.1) 196(90.3) 69(32.2)
  Yes 18(7.7) 8(44.4) 17(94.4) 3(16.7)
 Body weight self-perception
  Normal 130(55.6) 61(46.9) 113(86.9) 40(31)
  Not normal 104(44.4) 47(45.2) 99(95.2) 32(31.4)
 Felt lonely last year
  Never and Rarely 162(68.9) 72(44.4) 146(90.1) 50(31.4)
  Sometimes or more 73(31.1) 36(49.3) 67(91.8) 22(30.1)
 Lost sleep because of a concern last year
  Never and Rarely 171(73.1) 79(46.2) 154(90.1) 44(26.2)
  Sometimes or more 63(26.9) 28(44.4) 58(92.1) 27(42.9)
 Felt intimidated last month
  Never and Rarely 199(82.6) 89(44.7) 191(91) 59(30.1)
  Sometimes or more 42(17.4) 22(52.4) 38(90.5) 14(33.3)
Sedentary Behavior
 Time spent watching TV
  0–1 h per day 143(62.2) 65(45.5) 127(88.8) 32(22.5)
   ≥ 2 h per day 87(37.8) 41(47.1) 82(94.3) 32(37.6)
 Time spent using computer
  0–1 h per day 105(49.8) 40(38.1) 98(93.3) 27(26.2)
   ≥ 2 h per day 106(50.2) 53(50) 96(90.6) 32(30.2)
 Sitting time on a weekday
  0–8 h per day 142(59.9) 66(46.5) 131(92.3) 38(27.3)
   ≥ 9 h per day 95(40.1) 42(44.2) 86(90.5) 34(35.8)
 Sitting time on a weekend day
  0–8 h per day 99(42.1) 72(43.6) 150(90.9) 52(32.1)
   ≥ 9 h per day 136(57.9) 34(48.6) 65(92.9) 19(27.1)
 Have regular breakfast
  No 113(45.6) 104(92) 37(33.3)
  Yes 135(54.4) 122(90.4) 36(26.9)
 Habit of eating in front of the TV
  No 98(39.5) 44(44.9) 86(87.8) 21(21.6)
  Yes 150(60.5) 69(46) 140(93.3) 52(35.1)
Sleeping time
 Time sleeping per night
   ≤ 7 h 163(72.4) 79(48.5) 151(92.6) 47(29.4)
   ≥ 8 h (Recommended) 62(27.6) 22(35.5) 56(90.3) 21(33.9)
Alcohol and smoking
 Alcohol consumption last month
  No 169(68.1) 73(43.2) 152(89.9) 46(27.7)
  Yes 79(31.9) 40(50.6) 74(93.7) 27(34.2)
 Frequency of alcohol consumption c
  1 to 5 days last month 51(64.6) 27(52.9) 48(94.1) 16(31.4)
   ≥ 6 days last month 28(35.4) 13(46.4) 26(92.9) 11(39.3)
 Doses of alcohol consumption on any occasion
  1 to 3 doses a time 47(60.3) 24(51.1) 45(95.7) 15(31.9)
   ≥ 4 doses a time 31(39.7) 15(48.4) 28(90.3) 12(38.7)
 Smoking habits last month
  No 233(94) 104(44.6) 213(91.4) 70(30.4)
  Yes 15(6) 9(60) 13(86.7) 3(20)
 Passive smoking last week
  No 102(42.5) 45(44.1) 94(92.2) 25(25)
  Yes 138(57.5) 67(48.6) 124(89.9) 47(34.3)
 Smoking parents
  No 189(79.4) 87(46) 173(91.5) 54(29)
  Yes 49(20.6) 24(49) 43(87.8) 17(34.7)
 Trunk strength d
  Low (1.27 ± 0.27) 123(50.2) 54(43.9) 109(88.6) 34(27.9)
  High (1.77 ± 0.35) 122(49.8) 58(47.5) 114(93.4) 38(31.7)
 Handgrip strength d
  Low (0.45 ± 0.08) 123(50.2) 55(44.7) 109(88.6) 45(36.9)
  High (0.71 ± 0.85) 122(49.8) 57(46.7) 114(93.4) 27(22.5)

a Irregular consumption (< 5 days in the previous 7 days); b Regular consumption (at least 5 days in the previous 7 days)

c Only students that consumed alcohol last month; d Normalized by body weight