Table 1.
Variables | Total N (%) | Skip breakfast a n (%) | Low vegetable and fruit consumption a n (%) | High sweets consumption b n (%) |
Sociodemographic | ||||
Age | ||||
14–16 years | 144(58.1) | 62(43.1) | 136(94.4) | 43(30.3) |
17–20 years | 104(41.9) | 51(49) | 90(85.6) | 30(29.1) |
Sex | ||||
Male | 170(68.5) | 79(46.5) | 158(92.9) | 34(20.2) |
Female | 78(31.5) | 34(43.6) | 68(87.2) | 39(50.6) |
Economic | ||||
Mother education level | ||||
Basic education | 53(23.1) | 23(43.4) | 47(88.7) | 16(30.2) |
High school/College | 176(76.9) | 82(46.6) | 163(92.6) | 49(28.3) |
Have a part time job | ||||
No | 219(88.7) | 98(44.7) | 199(90.9) | 67(31) |
Yes | 28(11.3) | 14(50) | 26(92.9) | 6(21.4) |
Anthropometric | ||||
Body mass index | ||||
Normal | 180(73.5) | 82(45.6) | 162(90) | 55(30.6) |
Overweight | 65(26.5) | 30(46.2) | 61(93.8) | 18(29) |
Body weight control | ||||
Vomiting or using laxatives to lose weight | ||||
No | 220(95.2) | 99(45) | 199(90.5) | 65(30) |
Yes | 11(4.8) | 7(63.6) | 10(90.9) | 6(54.4) |
Using pills to lose weight | ||||
No | 227(96.6) | 105(46.3) | 205(90.3) | 70(31.2) |
Yes | 8(3.4) | 3(37.5) | 8(100) | 2(25) |
Using pills to improve muscle mass | ||||
No | 217(92.3) | 100(46.1) | 196(90.3) | 69(32.2) |
Yes | 18(7.7) | 8(44.4) | 17(94.4) | 3(16.7) |
Psychosocial | ||||
Body weight self-perception | ||||
Normal | 130(55.6) | 61(46.9) | 113(86.9) | 40(31) |
Not normal | 104(44.4) | 47(45.2) | 99(95.2) | 32(31.4) |
Felt lonely last year | ||||
Never and Rarely | 162(68.9) | 72(44.4) | 146(90.1) | 50(31.4) |
Sometimes or more | 73(31.1) | 36(49.3) | 67(91.8) | 22(30.1) |
Lost sleep because of a concern last year | ||||
Never and Rarely | 171(73.1) | 79(46.2) | 154(90.1) | 44(26.2) |
Sometimes or more | 63(26.9) | 28(44.4) | 58(92.1) | 27(42.9) |
Felt intimidated last month | ||||
Never and Rarely | 199(82.6) | 89(44.7) | 191(91) | 59(30.1) |
Sometimes or more | 42(17.4) | 22(52.4) | 38(90.5) | 14(33.3) |
Sedentary Behavior | ||||
Time spent watching TV | ||||
0–1 h per day | 143(62.2) | 65(45.5) | 127(88.8) | 32(22.5) |
≥ 2 h per day | 87(37.8) | 41(47.1) | 82(94.3) | 32(37.6) |
Time spent using computer | ||||
0–1 h per day | 105(49.8) | 40(38.1) | 98(93.3) | 27(26.2) |
≥ 2 h per day | 106(50.2) | 53(50) | 96(90.6) | 32(30.2) |
Sitting time on a weekday | ||||
0–8 h per day | 142(59.9) | 66(46.5) | 131(92.3) | 38(27.3) |
≥ 9 h per day | 95(40.1) | 42(44.2) | 86(90.5) | 34(35.8) |
Sitting time on a weekend day | ||||
0–8 h per day | 99(42.1) | 72(43.6) | 150(90.9) | 52(32.1) |
≥ 9 h per day | 136(57.9) | 34(48.6) | 65(92.9) | 19(27.1) |
Meals | ||||
Have regular breakfast | ||||
No | 113(45.6) | – | 104(92) | 37(33.3) |
Yes | 135(54.4) | – | 122(90.4) | 36(26.9) |
Habit of eating in front of the TV | ||||
No | 98(39.5) | 44(44.9) | 86(87.8) | 21(21.6) |
Yes | 150(60.5) | 69(46) | 140(93.3) | 52(35.1) |
Sleeping time | ||||
Time sleeping per night | ||||
≤ 7 h | 163(72.4) | 79(48.5) | 151(92.6) | 47(29.4) |
≥ 8 h (Recommended) | 62(27.6) | 22(35.5) | 56(90.3) | 21(33.9) |
Alcohol and smoking | ||||
Alcohol consumption last month | ||||
No | 169(68.1) | 73(43.2) | 152(89.9) | 46(27.7) |
Yes | 79(31.9) | 40(50.6) | 74(93.7) | 27(34.2) |
Frequency of alcohol consumption c | ||||
1 to 5 days last month | 51(64.6) | 27(52.9) | 48(94.1) | 16(31.4) |
≥ 6 days last month | 28(35.4) | 13(46.4) | 26(92.9) | 11(39.3) |
Doses of alcohol consumption on any occasion | ||||
1 to 3 doses a time | 47(60.3) | 24(51.1) | 45(95.7) | 15(31.9) |
≥ 4 doses a time | 31(39.7) | 15(48.4) | 28(90.3) | 12(38.7) |
Smoking habits last month | ||||
No | 233(94) | 104(44.6) | 213(91.4) | 70(30.4) |
Yes | 15(6) | 9(60) | 13(86.7) | 3(20) |
Passive smoking last week | ||||
No | 102(42.5) | 45(44.1) | 94(92.2) | 25(25) |
Yes | 138(57.5) | 67(48.6) | 124(89.9) | 47(34.3) |
Smoking parents | ||||
No | 189(79.4) | 87(46) | 173(91.5) | 54(29) |
Yes | 49(20.6) | 24(49) | 43(87.8) | 17(34.7) |
Strength | ||||
Trunk strength d | ||||
Low (1.27 ± 0.27) | 123(50.2) | 54(43.9) | 109(88.6) | 34(27.9) |
High (1.77 ± 0.35) | 122(49.8) | 58(47.5) | 114(93.4) | 38(31.7) |
Handgrip strength d | ||||
Low (0.45 ± 0.08) | 123(50.2) | 55(44.7) | 109(88.6) | 45(36.9) |
High (0.71 ± 0.85) | 122(49.8) | 57(46.7) | 114(93.4) | 27(22.5) |
a Irregular consumption (< 5 days in the previous 7 days); b Regular consumption (at least 5 days in the previous 7 days)
c Only students that consumed alcohol last month; d Normalized by body weight