The maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree shows the conservation of TRP channel sequences from the transcriptomes of four decapod crustaceans with TRP channels from insects, nematodes, and mammals. Among crustaceans, decapods are in red and branchiopod in light blue. All four decapod crustaceans have several homologues to each subfamily of TRP channels. The tree was constructed on IQ-Tree with 1000 UFBoot replications under the LG+F+G4 model of substitution according to BIC, as determined by ModelFinder. Tree was visualized on FigTree v.1.4.4. Tree was unrooted but is drawn with the Group 2 subfamilies, TRPML and TRPP, clades as the root. Support for some inner nodes is low due to incomplete sequences and high divergence. Scale bar represents expected number of substitutions per site.