Examples of small translocations generated by manipulation with ph1b.
Alien donor species | Target traits and genes | Translocation chromosomes | References |
Aegilops umbellulata | / | 1U/1B; 1U/1D | Koebner and Shepherd, 1987 |
Aegilops speltoides | Leaf rust Lr47; green bug Gb5 | 7S/7A | Dubcovsky et al., 1998 |
Ae. speltoides | Stem rust/Sr39 | 2S/2B | Niu et al., 2011 |
Ae. speltoides | / | 2S/2B | Zhang et al., 2017, 2018 |
Ae. speltoides | Tan spot TsrAes1; Septoria nodorum blotch SnbAes1 | 2S/2B | Zhang et al., 2019b |
Aegilops sharonensis | Lr56/Yr38 | T6AS⋅6AL-6Ssh/6A | Marais et al., 2010 |
Aegilops searsii | Powdery mildew Pm57 | 2Ss#1/2B | Liu et al., 2017b |
Secale cereale | Removing secalin of T1RS.1BL | T1RS⋅1BL/1B; T1RS⋅1BL/1D | Koebner and Shepherd, 1985, 1986 |
S. cereale | Removing secalin of T1RS.1BL | T1RS⋅1BL/1B | Lukaszewski, 2000 |
S. cereale | / | T2RS⋅2BL/2B; T2BS⋅2RL/2B | Lukaszewski et al., 2004 |
S. cereale | Removing secalin of T1RS.1BL | T1DS-1RS-1DS⋅1DL/1D | Anugrahwati, 2009 |
Thinopyrum ponticum | Leaf rust Lr19; yellow pigment | T7DS⋅7DL-7EL/7A; T7DS⋅7DL-7EL/7D | Zhang W. et al., 2005 |
Th. ponticum Th. intermedium | Barley yellow dwarf virus Bdv2; Rust resistance Lr19 and Sr25 | T7DS⋅7J?/T7DS⋅7DL-7S? | Ayala-Navarrete et al., 2007 |
Th. intermedium | Wheat streak mosaic virus Wsm3 | T7BS⋅7S#3L/7B | Danilova et al., 2017 |
Th. elongatum | / | 2E/2B | Zhang et al., 2017, 2018 |
Hordeum vulgare | / | 4Hch/4D | Rey et al., 2015 |
H. vulgare | β-glucan synthesis HvCslF6 | T7HL⋅7AS/7A; T7HL⋅7BS/7B; T7HL⋅7DS/7D | Danilova et al., 2019 |
Elymus tsukushiensis | Fusarium head blight Fhb6 | 1Ets#1S/1A | Cainong et al., 2015 |
Haynaldia villosa | Powdery mildew Pm21 | T6VS⋅6AL/6A | Lukaszewski and Cowger, 2017 |
Ha. villosa | Wheat yellow mosaic virus Wss1 | T4VS⋅4DL/4D | Zhao et al., 2013; Dai et al., 2019 |
Ha. villosa | Stem rust Sr52 | T6AS-6V#3L/6A | Li et al., 2019 |