BC-1901S decreases NRF2 ubiquitination. A) Beas-2B cells were treated BC-1901S for 16 h followed by NRF2 immunoprecipitation and immunoblot for K48-Ub. B) Normalized NRF2 Nano-Luc intensity after 16 h BC-1901S treatment, prior to addition of MG132. Data and mean ± SD of 4 independent experiments. C) Saturation curves of NRF2 Nano-Luc intensity after addition of MG132 to control of BC-1901S pre-treated cells. Data and mean ± SD of 4 independent experiments. D) NRF2 Nano-Luc intensity (normalized) 72 h after treatment with a UPS esiRNA library (~800 proteins). The horizontal axis of top 40 hits is broadened for better visualization. Blue dots = Ubiquitin esiRNA's, green dots = Proteasome subunit esiRNA's, red dots = E3 Ligase esiRNA's, purple dots = other esiRNA's. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)